CivilMEng: For wind loads, I also recommend using: Define -> Wind Loads -> Cp coefficient -> Ener value and select "Two Way Distribution"
-Just a curious engineer
lexpatrie: Which tables are you referring to (that were present in earlier edition and not in 7-22) and which edition was that?
-Just a curious engineer
oengineer This is in Chapter 9 of TMS. I did not use interaction diagrams but I have used excel spreadsheets to design such a wall before. It involves treating the wall as a slender element (if the height greatly exceeds the width) and then calculating different parameters. Is this procedure...
On another topic, I have run into a problem with post-processing results. I am trying to find out how the FrameForce function works. Below is the code I am using to obtain moments:
[NumberResults, Obj, ObjSta, Elm, ElmSta, LoadCase, StepType, StepNum, P, V2, V3, T, M2...
I do not - I need to look at the documentation for SAFE and see what API functions they provide first and what arguments these functions need. I do not have this documentation.
-Just a curious engineer
Thanks for providing this file DavidAtkins. I am trying to use the API feature through C# language to see if I can extract the FEM results. However, my SAFE free version does not support it currently. Would be curious and happy to take a look at it on your PC, if that works, through zoom or...
Thanks for trying this sticksandtriangles, I could not resolve this either. The only way I see to resolve this now is to write some code to change the input file manually. Or wait until they make a function to do this more easily.
-Just a curious engineer
DTS419 That is true. It depends on how much restraint is provided by that slab/support against movement. If based on your engineering judgement, you have a solid restraint, I would have used At-rest pressures rather than passive pressure.
-Just a curious engineer
DTS419 The wall is inclined to rotate clockwise for your case. Let's start with that assumption. There will be active pressure from the left. And the resisting passive pressure from right. You need to check for sliding (forces) and overturning (moment). That slab on the right will provide some...
smokiibear: Components and cladding shall be designed using Chapter 30 from ASCE 7-22 (OR ASCE 7-16). You first need to determine the velocity pressure as per Chapter 26 equations. Then, for cladding, determine the effective wind area. Then use the tables in Chapter 30 to get coefficients and...
And the required area elements can be conveniently selected by: SapModel.SelectObj.CoordinateRange(0,B,(num_panels_2h*new_x),(total_panels*new_x),h,H,Line=False,Area=True,Point=False,CSys=coord)
P.S.: My code has increased exponentially in size for this project. I might try to...
Eng16080, yes the folding of the built-up section is what I meant - that's a much concise and better way to describe what I was trying to say - thanks :). To determine this tension, would be a difficult ordeal, knowing that the "web" is not exactly a plate and any numerical method will need a...
@Eng16080, the bolts will be in tension because:
This is a tall beam section without any transverse stiffeners and the web buckling effects will be considerable in my opinion.
Due to this web-buckling action, the upper beam section would try to rotate in one direction (say, clockwise). The...
@Pervispasco, This built-up beam is a tall section, and in my judgment, it has high likelihood of "buckling" in the middle - meaning in this instance, the beams will try to "break" putting one row of the bolts in the localized region in high tension. Hence, in addition to VQ/I, I also recommend...
I added the wind load patterns using the following code. I could not find a function for ASCE 7-22 Wind load pattern. Do you think it will be easier to implement using database table methods?
SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add("WIND-X", LTYPE_WIND)...