It´s something that scares a lot my students.
In my view it´s due limited video card.
Try just pressing ctrl+end (isometric view), it should work.
Kapil, I am working in NX 8. I guess the problem was instead lack of parameters. But i´m not awared of that issue you mention. Thank you very much for your feedback.
Blas, I checked the points you wrote down and modify the files, then I solved it and obtained the results. I modified...
I forgot to add a pressure load but as far as I know, it should show some results even this way.
If possible add two compression pressure loads, on the two highest faces of the tablet (smaller component).
I would appreciate your help, it seemts to be something easy but I am a relatively new user.
Hello everybody,
I'm trying to perform an analysis using the Nstran solver, but for some reason, at trying to see the results, it displays a message saying "no results found".
My first guess is that the problem is with the surface to surface contact, since it is an assembly (simple).