Once again, a huge thank you Frank. Only change I made was the view label check of "Sh" had to be "SH" to match the standard drawing template/naming we use!
Thank you Frank Swinkels! Changing the filter was incredibly easy with your list/chart there!
Capnhook: I am not familiar with the PMI markup tools, I will have to look into that.
Follow-up questions:
1.) Do you know if there is a way to force it to place the label on the drawing sheet and not try to put it inside a view? As it seems to function now, when you click to locate the label and you click inside a view boundary it throws the label way off in space.
is that...
Hello again,
I am hoping one of you could help me out with something I feel like should be fairly easy. I am trying to write a journal that asks the user to select a point on a drawing, then take the information from that point and create a note using that information. The format should look...
I have done both double-click on the point and right-click->edit parameters. Same result with both (I know it's the same thing but was trying everything I could think of). Thank you again for the help, I will look into getting in touch with GTAC!
Sorry for the confusion there, I was just trying to break it down to the start/base level where I think the problem lays. I am attaching the .prt file I am working in. This is in Hopefully you see the same things I do, but I am starting to think it is probably a setting issue on my...
Here is a quick presentation with four slides showing what I am seeing. Thank you for any help you can give!
I am wondering if anyone else has run into something similar to this with datum planes.
Creating a sample datum plane I have a series of datum points in space. I then create a datum plane based on the three points and create my sketch on said plane. I then edit the location of one of the...
Hello everyone,
I am just getting started with Journaling and am wondering if there is a file/list someplace of generic NX callouts someplace. I would like to start by creating a journal that will allow the user to select various objects (lines/arcs) and then I want to print out/use...