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Journal = Select a point on drawing and display coordinates in note

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Jan 14, 2013
Hello again,

I am hoping one of you could help me out with something I feel like should be fairly easy. I am trying to write a journal that asks the user to select a point on a drawing, then take the information from that point and create a note using that information. The format should look something like:
X= ##.##
Y= ##.##
Z= ##.##

I have started a basic journal that allows me to pick things and display the information to the information window but I am stuck at that point. I know I need to create variables for the X, Y, & Z values but am not sure how to assign the information to each one (or what the proper calls are to get that information without trying to parse the information window). I think I have something set incorrectly with the filter too, because it is not allowing me to pick the original 3d points on the drawing, only 2d intersection points. Another problem here is that the information listed in the information window is not to the global 0,0,0 origin while in drafting but it works correctly from the modeling side. Then in the very end, I would like to have the note automatically add a leader to the selected point if that isn't too difficult. Any help or comments is appreciated!

' NX
' Journal created by jrh on Tue Aug 13 09:22:30 2013 Eastern Daylight Time
Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports NXOpen

Module NXJournal
Sub Main

Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow
Dim displayPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Display
Dim mySelectedObject as NXObject()
Dim myPoints() As Point

' ----------------------------------------------
'   Menu: Information->Object...
' ----------------------------------------------

If SelectObject("Select a point", _
			mySelectedObject) = Selection.Response.Ok Then

End If


End Sub

    Function SelectObject(prompt As String, _
               ByRef selObj as NXObject()) As Selection.Response
       Dim theUI As UI = UI.GetUI
       Dim typeArray() As Selection.SelectionType = _
           {Selection.SelectionType.All, _
       Dim resp As Selection.Response = theUI.SelectionManager.SelectObjects( _
               prompt, "Selection", _
               Selection.SelectionScope.AnyInAssembly, _
               True, typeArray, selobj)
       If resp = Selection.Response.ObjectSelected Or _
               resp = Selection.Response.ObjectSelectedByName Or _
               resp = Selection.Response.OK Then
		Return Selection.Response.Ok
           Return Selection.Response.Cancel
       End If

End Function

End Module
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There is some code from FrankSwinks in this thread:

and if you want a table with point info, he posted some code in this thread:
Thanks a ton, looking through those threads now!
Thank you again Cowski, that first thread is almost exactly what I was looking for!
Follow-up questions:
1.) Do you know if there is a way to force it to place the label on the drawing sheet and not try to put it inside a view? As it seems to function now, when you click to locate the label and you click inside a view boundary it throws the label way off in space.
is that being controlled in this area? (lines 47-50)
        ufs.View.AskTagOfViewName(vname, viewtag)
        Dim response2 As Selection.DialogResponse = SelectScreenPos(cursor)
or is it in line 289?
        draftingNoteBuilder1.Origin.Origin.SetValue(Nothing, nullView, point1)

By default all of our drawing sheets start with the label "SH" for sheet 1 if there is a way to set that.

2.) Is it possible to force the filter to only make a selection of an existing point instead of simply bringing up the Inferred point construction dialog box (clicking blank space on the drawing errors the journal out and I would like to avoid that)?

Re 1: Yes this can be done but it will take me a little time. The situation is this. If the label positioning point is selected in a view other then the drawing view then the coordinates in that view have been used and not the drawing sheet coordinates. What we need to do in the code is when a point/position is selected we need to check for the view. If it is not the drawing view then the point has to be converted to drawing coordinates.

Re 2: At the moment the point selection mode is set to Inferred. Now that means selecting on the drawing will return a screen position and not a point on the part (further I think no Z value is then available therefore the error for later code). The default mode can be changed by modifying the line Dim mode1() As Integer = {0, 0} with the first value in the array set according to

0 = Inferred
1 = Cursor Location
2 = This value is ignored
3 = This value is ignored
4 = Existing Point
5 = End Point
6 = Control Point
7 = Intersection Point
8 = Arc/Ellipse/Sphere Center
9 = Pos On Arc/Ellipse
10 = This value is ignored
11 = Intersection Point
12 = Quadrant Point
13 = Point on curve/Edge
14 = Point on Surface
15 = This value is ignored
16 = Cursor Location

Hope this helps.

Frank Swinkels
Wouldn't it be easier to instruct the user how to use one of the PMI markup tools, instead?

Proud Member of the Reality-Based Community..

[green]To the Toolmaker, your nice little cartoon drawing of your glass looks cool, but your solid model sucks. Do you want me to fix it, or are you going to take all week to get it back to me so I can get some work done?[/green]
Thank you Frank Swinkels! Changing the filter was incredibly easy with your list/chart there!

Capnhook: I am not familiar with the PMI markup tools, I will have to look into that.
Here is the modified journal so that it does not matter if the label placement point is on any view or the drawing sheet view. I still have the points selection set to implied.

Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.Threading
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.Annotations
Imports NXOpenUI
Imports NXOpen.UF
Imports NXOpen.Utilities

Module xyzlabel1
    Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession()
    Dim ui As UI = ui.GetUI()
    Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()
    Dim wp As Part = s.Parts.Work()
    Sub Main()
        Dim mode1() As Integer = {0, 0}
        Dim pointDisplayMode As Integer = 0
        Dim response1 As Integer = Nothing
        Dim objectpoint(2) As Double
        Dim xtext As String = Nothing
        Dim ytext As String = Nothing
        Dim ztext As String = Nothing
        Dim lengthx, lengthy, lengthz As Integer
        Dim lengthmax As Integer = Nothing
        Dim vname As String = Nothing
        Dim viewtag As NXOpen.Tag = Tag.Null
        Dim pnt1(1) As Double
        Dim cursor As Point3d
        Dim lns(11) As Line
        Dim groupnameint As Integer = 0
        Dim m1 As Session.UndoMarkId = s.SetUndoMark(Session.MarkVisibility.Visible, "M1")
        wp.Preferences.ObjectPreferences.SetWidth(Preferences.PartObject.ObjectType.General, Preferences.PartObject.WidthType.ThinWidth)
        ' Get number of decimal places to also determine xyz lablel size
        Dim decimalplaces As Integer = 3
        decimalplaces = NXInputBox.GetInputNumber("Enter Number of Decimal Places", "XYZ Labels", decimalplaces)
        groupnameint += 1
        response1 = ufs.Ui.PointSubfunction("Select Point for Label", mode1, pointDisplayMode, objectpoint)
        If response1 = 1 Then GoTo Start0
        If response1 = 2 Then GoTo End1
        ufs.View.AskTagOfViewName(vname, viewtag)
        Dim response2 As Selection.DialogResponse = SelectScreenPos(cursor)
        If response2 <> Selection.DialogResponse.Pick Then
        End If
        ' Check for screen pos if on sheet or a view
        Dim vname2 As String = Nothing
        Dim cursor2 As Point3d = Nothing
        Dim point1() As Double = {cursor.X, cursor.Y, cursor.Z}
        Dim point2(1) As Double
        Dim viewboolean As Boolean = False
        viewboolean = vname2.ToString.Contains("Sh")
        If viewboolean = False Then
            ufs.View.MapModelToDrawing(viewtag, point1, point2)
            cursor = New Point3d(point2(0), point2(1), 0.0)
        End If
        ' Get text data to size xyz label
        Dim textsize As Double = Nothing
        Dim textaspectratio As Double = Nothing
        Dim textgapfactor As Double = Nothing
        Dim return1 As Boolean = False
        return1 = GetTextParameters(textsize, textaspectratio, textgapfactor)
        Dim ci As CultureInfo
        ci = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture
        xtext = objectpoint(0).ToString("F" & decimalplaces.ToString)
        ytext = objectpoint(1).ToString("F" & decimalplaces.ToString)
        ztext = objectpoint(2).ToString("F" & decimalplaces.ToString)

        ' Now determine box size
        lengthx = Len(xtext)
        lengthy = Len(ytext)
        lengthz = Len(ztext)
        lengthmax = GetMaximumLength(lengthx, lengthy, lengthz)
        xtext = xtext.PadLeft(lengthmax)
        ytext = ytext.PadLeft(lengthmax)
        ztext = ztext.PadLeft(lengthmax)

        Dim boxlength As Double = Nothing
        Dim boxwidth As Double = Nothing
        Dim lineheight As Double = Nothing

        boxlength = textsize * textaspectratio * textgapfactor * (3.5 + lengthmax)
        boxwidth = textsize * 6.0
        Dim start_pt As Point3d = New Point3d(cursor.X, cursor.Y, 0.0)
        Dim end_pt As Point3d = New Point3d(cursor.X + boxlength, cursor.Y, 0.0)
        lns(0) = wp.Curves.CreateLine(start_pt, end_pt)
        start_pt.X = end_pt.X
        start_pt.Y = end_pt.Y
        end_pt.X = start_pt.X
        end_pt.Y = start_pt.Y + boxwidth
        lns(1) = wp.Curves.CreateLine(start_pt, end_pt)
        start_pt.X = end_pt.X
        start_pt.Y = end_pt.Y
        end_pt.X = cursor.X
        end_pt.Y = cursor.Y + boxwidth
        lns(2) = wp.Curves.CreateLine(start_pt, end_pt)
        start_pt.X = end_pt.X
        start_pt.Y = end_pt.Y
        end_pt.X = cursor.X
        end_pt.Y = cursor.Y
        lns(3) = wp.Curves.CreateLine(start_pt, end_pt)
        start_pt.X = cursor.X
        start_pt.Y = cursor.Y + boxwidth / 3.0
        end_pt.X = cursor.X + boxlength
        end_pt.Y = start_pt.Y
        lns(4) = wp.Curves.CreateLine(start_pt, end_pt)
        start_pt.X = cursor.X
        start_pt.Y = cursor.Y + 2.0 * boxwidth / 3.0
        end_pt.X = cursor.X + boxlength
        end_pt.Y = start_pt.Y
        lns(5) = wp.Curves.CreateLine(start_pt, end_pt)
        start_pt.X = cursor.X + boxwidth / 3.0
        start_pt.Y = cursor.Y
        end_pt.X = cursor.X + boxwidth / 3.0
        end_pt.Y = cursor.Y + boxwidth
        lns(6) = wp.Curves.CreateLine(start_pt, end_pt)
        ufs.View.MapModelToDrawing(viewtag, objectpoint, pnt1)
        Dim ptend(1) As Double
        If pnt1(0) < cursor.X Then
            start_pt.X = pnt1(0)
            start_pt.Y = pnt1(1)
            ptend(0) = cursor.X - textsize
            ptend(1) = cursor.Y + boxwidth / 2.0
            end_pt.X = cursor.X - textsize
            end_pt.Y = cursor.Y + boxwidth / 2.0
            lns(7) = wp.Curves.CreateLine(start_pt, end_pt)
            start_pt.X = cursor.X - textsize
            start_pt.Y = cursor.Y + boxwidth / 2.0
            end_pt.X = cursor.X
            end_pt.Y = cursor.Y + boxwidth / 2.0
            lns(8) = wp.Curves.CreateLine(start_pt, end_pt)
            start_pt.X = pnt1(0)
            start_pt.Y = pnt1(1)
            ptend(0) = cursor.X + boxlength + textsize
            ptend(1) = cursor.Y + boxwidth / 2.0
            end_pt.X = cursor.X + boxlength + textsize
            end_pt.Y = cursor.Y + boxwidth / 2.0
            lns(7) = wp.Curves.CreateLine(start_pt, end_pt)
            start_pt.X = cursor.X + boxlength
            start_pt.Y = cursor.Y + boxwidth / 2.0
            end_pt.X = cursor.X + boxlength + textsize
            end_pt.Y = cursor.Y + boxwidth / 2.0
            lns(8) = wp.Curves.CreateLine(start_pt, end_pt)
        End If
        ' arrow lines
        Dim vec1(1) As Double
        Dim uvec1(1) As Double
        Dim uvec2(1) As Double
        Dim uvec3(1) As Double
        Dim vec2(1) As Double
        Dim vec3(1) As Double
        Dim vec4(1) As Double
        Dim pnt1a(1) As Double
        Dim pnt2(1) As Double
        Dim pnt3(1) As Double
        Dim tol1 As Double = 0.001
        Dim magnitude As Double = Nothing

        ufs.Vec2.Sub(ptend, pnt1, vec1)
        ufs.Vec2.Unitize(vec1, tol1, magnitude, uvec1)
        ufs.Vec2.Scale(textsize, uvec1, vec1)
        uvec2(0) = -uvec1(1)
        uvec2(1) = uvec1(0)
        uvec3(0) = uvec1(1)
        uvec3(1) = -uvec1(0)
        ufs.Vec2.Scale(textsize / 6.0, uvec2, vec2)
        ufs.Vec2.Scale(textsize / 6.0, uvec3, vec3)
        ufs.Vec2.Add(pnt1, vec1, pnt1a)
        ufs.Vec2.Add(pnt1a, vec2, pnt2)
        ufs.Vec2.Add(pnt1a, vec3, pnt3)
        start_pt.X = pnt1(0)
        start_pt.Y = pnt1(1)
        end_pt.X = pnt2(0)
        end_pt.Y = pnt2(1)
        lns(9) = wp.Curves.CreateLine(start_pt, end_pt)
        start_pt.X = pnt1(0)
        start_pt.Y = pnt1(1)
        end_pt.X = pnt3(0)
        end_pt.Y = pnt3(1)
        lns(10) = wp.Curves.CreateLine(start_pt, end_pt)
        start_pt.X = pnt2(0)
        start_pt.Y = pnt2(1)
        end_pt.X = pnt3(0)
        end_pt.Y = pnt3(1)
        lns(11) = wp.Curves.CreateLine(start_pt, end_pt)

        Dim cursor1 As Point3d
        Dim notetext(5) As String
        Dim note1(5) As Note
        cursor1.X = cursor.X + textsize * textaspectratio * textgapfactor / 2.0
        cursor1.Y = cursor.Y + 2.0 * boxwidth / 3.0 + textsize * textaspectratio * textgapfactor / 2.0
        cursor1.Z = 0.0
        notetext(0) = "X"
        note1(0) = InsertNote(notetext(0), cursor1)
        cursor1.X = cursor.X + textsize * textaspectratio * textgapfactor / 2.0
        cursor1.Y = cursor.Y + boxwidth / 3.0 + textsize * textaspectratio * textgapfactor / 2.0
        notetext(1) = "Y"
        note1(1) = InsertNote(notetext(1), cursor1)
        cursor1.X = cursor.X + textsize * textaspectratio * textgapfactor / 2.0
        cursor1.Y = cursor.Y + textsize * textaspectratio * textgapfactor / 2.0
        notetext(2) = "Z"
        note1(2) = InsertNote(notetext(2), cursor1)
        cursor1.X = cursor.X + 2.5 * textsize * textaspectratio * textgapfactor
        cursor1.Y = cursor.Y + 2.0 * boxwidth / 3.0 + textsize * textaspectratio * textgapfactor / 2.0
        notetext(3) = xtext
        note1(3) = InsertNote(notetext(3), cursor1)
        cursor1.X = cursor.X + 2.5 * textsize * textaspectratio * textgapfactor
        cursor1.Y = cursor.Y + boxwidth / 3.0 + textsize * textaspectratio * textgapfactor / 2.0
        notetext(4) = ytext
        note1(4) = InsertNote(notetext(4), cursor1)
        cursor1.X = cursor.X + 2.5 * textsize * textaspectratio * textgapfactor
        cursor1.Y = cursor.Y + textsize * textaspectratio * textgapfactor / 2.0
        notetext(5) = ztext
        note1(5) = InsertNote(notetext(5), cursor1)

        CreateGroup(lns, note1, groupnameint)
        GoTo Start1
        wp.Preferences.ObjectPreferences.SetWidth(Preferences.PartObject.ObjectType.General, Preferences.PartObject.WidthType.NormalWidth)
    End Sub

    Public Function SelectScreenPos(ByRef pos As Point3d) As Selection.DialogResponse

        Dim view As NXOpen.View = Nothing
        Dim letteringPrefs As LetteringPreferences = Nothing
        Dim userSymPrefs As UserSymbolPreferences = Nothing

        Return ui.SelectionManager.SelectScreenPosition("Select XYZ Label Position", view, pos)

    End Function

    Public Function GetTextParameters(ByRef textheight As Double, _
                                      ByRef textaspectratio As Double, _
                                      ByRef textgapfactor As Double) As Boolean
        Dim mpr_array(69) As Double
        Dim mpi_array(99) As Integer
        Dim rad_symbol As String = ""
        Dim dia_symbol As String = ""
        ufs.Drf.AskPreferences(mpi_array, mpr_array, rad_symbol, dia_symbol)
        textheight = mpr_array(44)
        textaspectratio = mpr_array(45)
        textgapfactor = mpr_array(46)
        Return True
    End Function

    Public Function GetMaximumLength(ByVal lengthx, ByVal lengthy, ByVal lengthz) As Integer
        Dim maxvalue As Integer = 0
        If lengthx > lengthy Then
            maxvalue = lengthx
            maxvalue = lengthy
        End If
        If maxvalue < lengthz Then
            maxvalue = lengthz
        End If
        Return maxvalue
    End Function

    Public Sub CreateGroup(ByVal lns() As Line, _
                           ByVal notes() As Note, _
                           ByVal counter As Integer)
        Dim nullGroup As Group = Nothing

        Dim groupBuilder1 As GroupBuilder
        groupBuilder1 = wp.CreateGatewayGroupBuilder(nullGroup)
        groupBuilder1.ActivegroupOption = True
        groupBuilder1.ActionType = 0
        groupBuilder1.GroupName = "XYZ_LABEL_" & counter.ToString
        Dim added1 As Boolean
        For i As Integer = 0 To lns.Length - 1
            added1 = groupBuilder1.ObjectsInGroup.Add(lns(i))
        For i As Integer = 0 To notes.Length - 1
            added1 = groupBuilder1.ObjectsInGroup.Add(notes(i))
        Dim nXObject1 As NXObject
        nXObject1 = groupBuilder1.Commit()
    End Sub
    Public Function InsertNote(ByVal note1 As String, ByVal point1 As Point3d) As Note
        Dim nullAnnotations_SimpleDraftingAid As Annotations.SimpleDraftingAid = Nothing
        Dim draftingNoteBuilder1 As Annotations.DraftingNoteBuilder
        draftingNoteBuilder1 = wp.Annotations.CreateDraftingNoteBuilder(nullAnnotations_SimpleDraftingAid)
        draftingNoteBuilder1.Origin.Plane.PlaneMethod = Annotations.PlaneBuilder.PlaneMethodType.XyPlane
        draftingNoteBuilder1.Origin.Anchor = Annotations.OriginBuilder.AlignmentPosition.BottomLeft
        Dim text1(0) As String
        text1(0) = note1
        Dim nullView As View = Nothing
        draftingNoteBuilder1.Origin.Origin.SetValue(Nothing, nullView, point1)
        Dim nXObject1 As NXObject
        nXObject1 = draftingNoteBuilder1.Commit()
        Return nXObject1
    End Function
    Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer

        'Unloads the image immediately after execution within NX
        GetUnloadOption = NXOpen.Session.LibraryUnloadOption.Immediately

    End Function

End Module


Frank Swinkels
Once again, a huge thank you Frank. Only change I made was the view label check of "Sh" had to be "SH" to match the standard drawing template/naming we use!
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