HI, I have a situation where there is an existing piled foundation. A large baseplate (part of frame of a rectangular steel tank) will sit on a new found adjacent. However due to constraints part of the base will have to sit over the existing found. Therefore the 'baseplate' will sit over the...
ok, logic ok. But if the load transfers back to the old pile then once the new pile settles (slightly) then should the old pile settle - load back to new. System in equiqulibrium. Old pile will have more load but below design load.
This is how a newly installed system behaves.
I have a scheme where we are installing new pile close to existing, it has been suggested to me I should be reducing the capacity of the existing. Why? If we are far enough away and block failure of the pile group is not critical why does it matter? Why is that any different to them being...
there is a new CIRIA guide to this - Ciria 660. Superceeds the previous ciria report and the guidance given in BS8007. Is applicable to eurocodes also. Deals with early age cracking (internal and external restraint) and also long term shrinkage.
hi how do you determine the effective stiffness in ordor to calculate how horizontal load is shared if in a structure you have portal on one side and braced frame the other (in the same plane obviously)
agreed fatigue in US is fatigue anywhere. the word 'potential' is key here. we could end up doing expensive remedials that are not needed. at the moment no one seems able to prove or disprove either way.
sorry should have said this is UK based. so how would you prove the bolts have fatiged have fatigue cracks forming or have ever been stressed over the design stress (i realise this is slightly different to fatigue).
cvg, we do not have any data that you mentioned. Anything we come up with will be based on a lot of assumptions. We are acting as a consultant to a third party. There were apparently some violent movements of the mast during and just after constuction (due to sections since removed). These...
Hi,we have a case where concerns have been raised about some anchor bolt installations (tower mast). It is believed that there may be a fatigue problem with the bolts under high tension loads from wind. What are the best ways to prove/disprove this. Also what are others experience regarding this...