This is in the context of a steel framed building. In the modeler, when your deck edge is set at 0" offset, the line is drawn basically on top of your perimeter beams. Generally not a problem, but when I am viewing color coded beam design results, I can't see the colors of the beam lines...
Well the confusion here is likely that I am unclear on when cross-grain bending occurs. I know that if this whole overhang wanted to pull away from the structure and the ledger is the only point it is attached, that is classic cross-grain bending. I guess my question is: if this overhang wanted...
Thanks for the quick response.
The HSS8x4 is part of the primary structure. The HSS3 1/2x3 1/2 which are perp to it are cantilevered off the face of that. So that is how it is attached to the primary.
Definitely not using the ledger to hold this to the primary.
My comments on the steel frame...
We have a project with overhangs that are desired to be very thin. It is a mixed wood/steel structure. To accommodate this, I am thinking of using an HSS steel frame with 2x4 infill. Each interior face of the HSS frame will have a ledger for boundary nailing. However, the steel frame itself will...
Lex -
The sum would apply when you are looking at the attachment of the roof framing to the superstructure, say a roof clip on a wood truss (shown in pink below). The sum I am referring to is the roof pressure and soffit pressure on the overhang portion, which both apply when looking at the...
Thanks to everyone for the responses.
Dave/Dan - this is what I needed to hear. The simplest explanation is usually correct. I just questioned myself because the equation with the GCpi term has been in the code for 3 cycles.
Learning - to the first part of your comment, some overhangs will see...
I understand the C&C wind pressure on roof overhangs is the sum of the pressures on the top and bottom surfaces.
The equation in ASCE 7 is p = qh*(Gcp-GCpi) where Gcp is defined as "the sum of the GCp of the overhang's top and bottom surfaces".
By defining GCp as the sum of the external GCp...
I looked for a thread on this but didn't see anything. If this has already been discussed, please kindly post a link.
Just noticing this in TJ-9000:
I use excel spreadsheets to calculate my beams. Does anyone have a reference for calculating bending + shear deflection for other loading...
Thanks for your replies! Applying reduction before distribution makes sense.
(just venting now)
None of these references show how the distribution method would apply for a given force. They only look at capacity. Which I understand can be used to infer, but the point of a worked example is to...
Thanks again for your responses and the links.
To your point - I have never seen anyone add load to the diaphragm nails either. As well, I have always seen the shear transfer fasteners from the wall and the diaphragm treated separately.
This is precisely my point. In order to do the...
Either the floor sheathing is involved in resisting the bottom plate nailing, or it is not.
Case 1 - floor sheathing does resist bottom plate nailing
There must be a load path. Bottom plate nail > floor sheathing > floor sheathing nailing > rimboard. Demand on floor sheathing nailing...
...penetration into the rim joist." This implies the rimboard alone is being treated as the main member. Now, if minimum penetration is taken as 6*d, then 16d box (3-1/4" long) and 16d common (3-1/2" long) nails do meet the minimum. But I presume he means minimum as 10*d corresponding to full...
Drift: thanks for your response.
Haven't heard of sheathing negatively affecting nail strength, can you link me to some references on that. My assumption is that if the rimboard and sheathing both have G = 0.50, and they are adequately fastened together, then one could assume they are...
...Table 12N, assume floor sheathing acts compositely with rimboard as main member.
Nail capacity = 141 # (NDS Table 12N)
Connection capacity = 141*1.6*12/8 = 338 plf
The connection of the floor sheathing must account for the composite action.
Floor sheathing nailing = 10d common...
Aaron: I believe you are making a comparison between the total nails in the sheet versus the total nails along the transfer length? The force transfer occurs along the boundary edge, where the nails are 6" oc. So along 8 feet you will have 17. Please correct me if I mis-understood your comment.
So let's take stock of where we are at.
Diaphragm values (tested)
WIND (from original post)
v strong = 400 plf
v weak = 300 plf
SEISMIC (didn't include these in the original post)
v strong = 285 plf
v weak = 214 plf
Boundary nailing values (calculated)
WIND OR SEISMIC - including diaphragm...
Pham: Thanks for typing that out. It is a good description of why values for an assembly would be higher than values for an individual fastener in the assembly.
I x-posted to this to reddit and got a good comment that helped me see this differently.
This made me realize that my original...