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  1. alexzive

    geometry optimization multilayer structure

    Hello there! I am looking for tips to solve a geometry optimization with Abaqus (--> attached file Mat1-4 are different materials, all with different thermoelastoplastic
  2. alexzive

    Stress/Strain FE-Homogenization vs Experiments

    Thanks for answering. Yes I am new here ;) . I informed the admin of my double posting, the old one should be removed. As for the issue I proposed, I hope it will not be removed because it sounds academic. I have to also add something. I calculated both strain on TOP line and strain over...
  3. alexzive

    Stress/Strain FE-Homogenization vs Experiments

    Errata: in Q, I said wrongly that the strain should be lower in the bottom part. I was referring to the total absolute local elongation (U in Abaqus). I don't know exactly how Abaqus calculates the strain of an element but it should be something like Ui(x,y)/Hi(y) where Ui is the absolute...
  4. alexzive

    Stress/Strain FE-Homogenization vs Experiments

    PS: of course in B when I mean averaging over the surface I mean over the 2D region of the micrograph, averaging by single element area to have mesh-indipendent results.
  5. alexzive

    Stress/Strain FE-Homogenization vs Experiments

    Hello, (sorry for reposting, I found later,this forum may be more appropriate). This is a general micromechanic question. Suppose we have a microstructured 2-phases material with random inclusions (or a porous material with random pores) and we make a real tensile test (monoaxial loading in...
  6. alexzive

    extrapolate on a straight line crossing the mesh

    Hello there, I would like to extrapolate thermal flux values (HFL) on a virtual horizontal straight line which crosses my non-regular mesh (see red line in the attached file). I'd like to have this values on something like 100 points belonging to that line at regular distance. Is there any...
  7. alexzive

    values in no-mesh points

    Hello there, how to get (extrapolate) values from a simulation in certain points which do not belong to the mesh? For example I would like to average the resulting Heat FLux field on a equally spaced grid of points on my model (see below), because my mesh has some local nodes concetration due...
  8. alexzive

    integrating field outputs on a 2D surface

    Hello, a post-processing question: how to integrate scalar field values over a 2D domain which belong to a 3D model? Let suppose I have a cylinder with a void sphere inside and I perform steady state heat transfer with fixed T1 and T2 on both side of the cylinder (S1, S2). I then want to...
  9. alexzive

    element area

    Hello, I would like to get the element area for any individual element of my irregular 2D mesh. Is it stored somewhere (in the cae or odb file)? How to get it via odb scripting commands? (no info in the documentation) or should I calculate it from nodes coordinates? Manx Thanks, Alex
  10. alexzive

    Themomechanical Analysis

    Dear Corus, thank you very much for your help, I am trying to compare results also with gener. plane strain, but for the case of more complicated 2D geometries I am experiencing convergence problem (the simullations simply don´t converge). Once I am done with this problem I will start a new...
  11. alexzive

    Themomechanical Analysis

    Hello MrMayers! thank you very much for your very useful suggestions!!! I changed to plane stress element and the anomalous stress field disappeared!! So the issue seems to be related to the choice of the elements, between plane stress and plane strain. I also checked the components of the S...
  12. alexzive

    Themomechanical Analysis

    Hello Corus, you are absolutely right about thermal stresses..that´s the reason why I am very dubious about my results: I have no thermal gradient inside the plate but non zero stress too!!. Probably I have done some mistake somewhere, I don´t know where. all the simulations converge despite...
  13. alexzive

    Themomechanical Analysis

    Hello there, I have a problem understanding some results from Thermomechanical Analysis with Abaqus . I performed some simple tests on a 2D plate (all in the zip file). UNits: Kg, mm, J, s, N. Each simulation consists of 2 steps: Step-1: heating up the plate homogenuosly with the same heat...
  14. alexzive

    unit for force always N?

    *errata: g*mm/s² which corresponds to 10^-6 N
  15. alexzive

    unit for force always N?

    actually I am doing Thermo-Mechanical Coupling, so my basic units are g,mm,s,°C. I would prefer to avoid using Newton, because I have thermal prop. like thermal conductivity in J/(s*mm*C) and density in g/mm³. So my forces should be expressed then in g*mm/s² which corresponds to 10^6 N!!! In...
  16. alexzive

    unit for force always N?

    Hello, if my basic units are different from kg,m,s, am I still allowed to use N (Newton = 1 Kg*m/s²) for forces (loads) ? or should I adjust the unit for my forces accordingly (i.e. g*mm/s²) ? many thanks, Alex
  17. alexzive


    many thanks for the answers! 2) I was meaning, if maybe only dynamic analysis requires dload. But from your answer I understand that in both cases, dynamic and static I have to specify self weight with dload. regards, Alex
  18. alexzive


    Hello there. How does Abaqus handle "self weight" in model parts? (I mean gravitational weight due to gravitational mass) 1) is it automatically calculated once you give the density in the mat. properties as a distributed load on the vertical axis ? or should I specify a dload which corresponds...
  19. alexzive

    units for Young Modulus

    Hello, this is maybe a stupid question, but just to be sure. Suppose my model is representing a microstructure with chosen unit-lenght "micrometers = 10^-06 m = 1 um". should I also accordigly express the Young's MOdulus and all the stress values in N/um²? for example from a typical value of...

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