Thanks. F_t,Ed being external loading alone makes sense.
"The shear and tensile strengths of a bolt are not affected by the presence of an initial pretension" this is certainly true when bolts are preloaded within their proportional range, as shown by balancing the forces due to preload... preload?
The question arises for the following reasons:
1. Notice the tensile resistance check F_t,Ed <= F_t,Rd. Where resistance is K_2*F_ub*A_s/gamma. If Preload is as suggested 0.7F_ub*A_s and K_2 = 0.63 and F_t includes pretension, then the check will always fail under preload alone... preload?
The question arises for the following reasons:
1. Notice the tensile resistance check F_t,Ed <= F_t,Rd. Where resistance is K_2*F_ub*A_s/gamma. If Preload is as suggested 0.7F_ub*A_s and K_2 = 0.63 and F_t includes pretension, then the check will always fail under preload alone...
In the 2019 ASME BPVC Viii.2,section gives allowable compressive stress under axial compressive stress and Hoop Compression. Subsection (e)-1 discusses Fxha for lamda <= 0.15. But subsection (e)-3 also discusses Fxha for lamda <= 0.15. Which one is correct? They seem to condradict.
I only have access to BPVC 2019 and 2015
BPVC.III.2-Annex 3-A 2019 says, for carbon steel in class 1 vessels allowable stresses comes from Sec II, Part D Table 2a and table 5A for class 2 vessels.
While 2015 Annex 3-A makes no class distinction and says carbon steel allowable stress comes from...
In BPVC VIII.2- Section 4.16
Stress listed on Table 4.16.8 for "loose-type flange without a hub" includes a "Y" stress factor.
Stress factors for all other types of flanges are listed on tables 4.16.4 and 4.16.5.
However, neither of these tables list "loose-type without a hub".
Where is the calc...
Notice how VIII.1 referes to BPVC II Table 1A for Allowable Stresses but BPVC VIII.2 refer to BPVC II table 5A. Many materials (like A-53 and P235) are listed in table 1A but not on Table 5A or on BPVC VIII.2 table 3-A.1....So, A-53 and P235 are suitable materials if you use methods in VIII.1...
Thanks for the comments
@KevinNZ Using X52. "why use 5L for pressure vessel"....Large diameter 5L pipe is readily available.
Often already on site... no need to roll or form. Often seamless, so less welding.
Most of my projects are time driven rather than driven by the cost of design and...
I have been reading posts regarding an issue I commonly encounter.
How to use API-5L pipe or ASTM A694 flanges with ASME codes when ASME VIII and II does not list them?
Often the answer is that the ASME just doesn't cover these materials and you can use unlisted stuff provided huge list of...
...normal contact with the support and
the X direction is free to slide
If you want the X direction to have a reaction due to friction (resist sliding up to Fy*Mu) then do you
a. assign Mu to X;
b. assign Mu to Y; or
c. assign Mu to both X and Y?
I don't have access to Caesar to test this...
...thanks i have a better understanding now. ASME VIII.1 is for design not actual preload
1) A=pi/4 (OD^2-ID^2) is exactly equal to pi*G*w (if w is width) not just approximate. see attached proof
2) If b represents "half width" why does the ASME VIII.1 call it "effective width" and say...
...from B16.20)
gasket seating stress, y = Sgt = 26,000 psi (Stainless ring joint BPVC VIII.1 Table 2-5.1)
assembly bolt stress Sbsel = (Sgt)(Ag)/(N*Ab) = 72ksi
This is 90% of A193 B7m yield...seems high??????
b)If we look at the bolt load calc's using BPVC VIII.1 APP 2-5
ring width, w =...
I have been tasked with reviewing a subcon's autopipe results related to a subsea pipe line
I have never used autopipe
While reviewing the input files, I found some confusing inputs and cannot get a straight answer.
Hoping someone here can clarify
Each node in the input file seems to have a...
thanks for your help.
I found my problem.
My 2015 version of the code was missing phi in a graphic
Like I thought, I was completely misinterpreting what phi was.
I looked in a older version and phi was defined in the graphic.
It is all so clear...
Thanks for that
But how is this not related to the real world?
A location related to tiny phi exists on all items.
So how can anyone use this equation?
Ignoring small values of phi is like selectively reporting on only locations that have passing values
I dont think you understand what I am saying
I am not describing a small attachment
phi is a location according to the Nomenclature section.
So even a huge attachment can have location on it ranging from phi = 0 to phi = 360 deg
So if I choose a very small 0.00001 degrees from what...
In BPVC Sec VIII pt 2 paragraph,
the middle term for stress sigma_sm for spherical shells has a sin squared phi in the denominator.
Phi is listed as a spherical location in the Nomenclature section.
So for infinitesimal values of phi, the stress on externally loaded spherical shell...
I'm using STAAD PRo V8i (Select Series 4)
I have a frame structure made of tubular members with an API code check
The API code check assesses the tubulars to API RP 2A section 3 and assesses joints to API RP 2A Section 4
The results of both the Section 3 and Section 4 checks are presented in...