Ah, I mistyped the sentence from Eurocode. It is in fact "but N_cr < N_cr,T", as you have said.
So it just basically means N_cr is the lower of N_cr,TF and N_cr,T. Still I feel Eurocode has a quite strange way of expressing that :rolleyes:
Thank you for the guide link, there are some good...
Eurocode 3, section says this about torsional and flexural-torsional buckling:
(1) For members with open cross-sections account should be taken of the possibility that the of the member to either torsional or torsional-flexural buckling could be less than its resistance to flexural...
Thank you all, excellent discussion.
I agree that proper floor diagphram, such as a concrete slab, would have a greatly stiffening effect. In most projects that I have worked in however, there has not been a slab on top of the beams but rather a grating. I would not expect steel grating...
Hello all.
Often the effective length of a column in steel frames is taken as the story height. This applies not only for flexural buckling, but also for lateral-torsional and pure torsional buckling.
I'm currently reading the design guide "Worked examples for the design of steel structures"...