I'm trying to simulate an airfoil in Fluent, and I'm working with airfoils of the NACA 65 series, which are very thin.
The problem is that this airfoils become incredibly thin at 90% of the chord length or sooner ( < 0.8 mm of thickness), a geometry that would be impossible to fabricate...
Well, I've found several reports that use that nomenclature. For example:
(To search quickly, control+f and search for "xx")
As it says on the reference:
Profile designation according to the nomenclature given in...
I'm trying to draw in CAD a NACA airfoil, but I'm having problems with the nomenclature. The information I have is:
NACA 65(xx)(yy) (e.g. NACA 65(07)07)
With xx standing for the relative camber and YY representing the relative thickness (that's what the information about the airfoil...