Thanks IDS,
This is the system I proposed. However I am not qualified to design such a structure - AS4100 (Australian steel code)would not be valid - and my recommendation was to use a specialist design service as you suggest .
The client is apparantly unimpressed with the typical steel faced...
Jeez - fanks for that!
Me fought this woz a engine ring forum. Good job all those letters are good for somefink. Shame you couldn't comment on the topic at hand.
But hang on a mo smarty-pants! --- etc is an abbreviation of et cetera so it should have one o' them dot fingys on da end. Like...
Yep, you heard right.
I'm desining a 15m (metre - say 50 feet) tall by approx 50m (165 feet) long retaining wall on a mine site so that ore trucks can back up and dump ore into a hopper that feeds a crusher.
Normally these are done with reinforced earth strapped back to solid anchors or a...
I've designed a few conveyor trusses and agree it would be difficult to design a standard truss for an unknown load. Perhaps you could design a truss layout and tablurise max span according to max load.
As for compression due to drive forces These are normally taken out at head frame and tail...
Hey - Aggman sounds like you may have exactly what I need. I've looked for that book but can't find it (in Australia). Any chance of a fax or scanned/emailed copy of the pages you quoted. I don't think there is a breach of copyright for a small number of pages.
Thanks in advance.
We all know the issue - keep your eccentricity on a foundation inside the middle third (e<L/6) in both directions.
That ensures a sound foundation.
But - I often have to go outside (some clients can be real pains when it comes to spending money on concrete)
So what's the max bearing pressure...