Thanks StefCon for the confirmation.
@Corus: So you prefer to analyze single parts by assuming the boundary conditions and loads. In my opinion this is not always easy to do, especially when performing dynamic analysis.
Best regards
Alexandru Dadalau
Tuning Your Simulation...
I was just wondering how many of you out there are performing FEA and design of large mechanical assemblies.
What are there the specific problems from your point of view?
I will start by saying, that in the traditional FEA software every design change requires reimporting the whole CAD...
I was just wondering how many of you out there are performing FEA and design of large mechanical assemblies.
What are there the specific problems from your point of view?
I will start by saying, that in the traditional FEA software every design change requires reimporting the whole CAD...
Hex mesh is only possible for mappable/sweepable geometry. Try to slice your geometry so that you have only mappable/sweepable volumes, then Ansys can create a hex mesh.
Best regards
Alexandru Dadalau
Tuning Your Simulation
Well, besides HyperMesh, ANSA could also be an option. But as you said, they are limited in the number of supported element types and options.
My own software (Meshparts) is very good at reading, writing and Ansys input files (cdb format) but it's mainly for structural dynamics. It has it's...
One solution is to run the macro in batch mode.
Second solution is to save the model, delete the unselected nodes, write the cdb and resume the database.
Best regards
Alexandru Dadalau
Tuning Your Simulation
it's not really clear to me, what exactly to you want to do.
You want to generate Ansys models, without using Ansys?
In that case, what features exactly to you miss in Ansys WB or MAPDL.
What field of simulation / physics are you planing to use (structural dynamics, fluids...
Make the solid rigid: Simplest solution is to make the elasticity modulus 1000x bigger that it is.
Spherical joints: Solid elements have only translational DOF so if you attach beam/rods to single solid nodes, the joint will be spherical automatically.
Best regards
Alexandru Dadalau
there is a command in Ansys MAPLD for creating a fillet between two areas. Have you searched the Manual for that?
Tuning Your Simulation
Hi George,
I would take a look at the MPC184 joint elements in the Ansys Manual. The elements can also have some movement limits defined.
Tuning Your Simulation
well, you have some license problems. Did you also installed the lincense manager? If yes, did you specified a license server or a license file? You can check if the license server is running using the ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility. This is somehow more advanced. You Ansys support provider can help you...
I'm very happy that other people, especially MacEd also like this idea good.
Specifying units is a good point. For me this just another property in JSON or XML. The knowledge database can also specify how to convert between them.
I don't really understand what MacEd meand with point 4 (load...
Okay, I get it now. Thanks.
Perhaps I shoul make this point: The FE knowledge data base is one thing, and the format in which a specific FE model is saved is another thing. The FE model is just an instance of the knowledge data base and can be formated in any format thinkable.
JSON with...
Hi Greg and MacED,
okay, the problem with the file size is known to me too.
The issues you named about readability and complexity. I think I understand what you mean, after I took a look at following example from MatML:
But why is robustness an...
As far as know CFD mesh algorithms are more focused an the boundary layer an have more options to influence the mesh there.
Tuning Your Simulation