Alright, so I see I'm not the only one! That's good to know.
I forgot to add that I'm using NX9.
But this has also happened to me before on NX8.
- Kozen
Hey guys,
When I do the above method of exporting as a STEP214 file, it doesn't give me (for example) the 15 components of an assembly, and instead gives me fewer components (mine gave me 2 components) with different names when I view the STEP file in Visualization Mockup. This is a problem...
Thanks for the quick reply JohnRBaker.
I have a second question: How do I get rid of it/move it?
It's a bit annoying when I have it in a position I don't want.
- Kozen
Oh sorry about the picture! I thought I posted it in a link.
- Kozenhttp://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=e19027e8-4986-497f-a661-6a129832d21e&file=2014-10-23_11-01-33.jpg
For some reason, NX9 doesn't work well with folders containing a comma in its name. I had been using dates to organize my files (ex: Oct. 23, 2014).
NX8 had no problems with this issue, however...
Problem solved, though!
- Kozen
Hey Toost and cowski,
To Toost: I probably should've mentioned this earlier, but no log files are created. Which is strange because I've already double-checked the destination of my files and it's not wrong. Both the new format of the file and the log file should appear in the folder I...
Hey guys,
I need some help with NX9. I recently got NX9 and am completely new to it. The menus look similar enough for me to do some basic things, such as exporting, but when I tried exporting my files, it wouldn't appear where I exported it to. No files appear in the folder I designated. Why...
To clarify, I go to File > Export > STEP203/STEP214 (either one) > Data to Export > Under Model Data, I choose the SELECTED OBJECTS function, where use Select All to select the entire model.
Doing this gives me an STP with a component that shows my name and a random set of numbers and letters...
Sorry, that was for exporting the ENTIRE PART. Exporting using the ENTIRE PART feature doesn't mess up the name.
But when I want to SELECT OBJECTS to export, I usually highlight the entire model, and when exported, the name of the component in the STP gets messed up.
- Kozen
Hey Toost,
I'm using NX8. If I choose to select the objects that I want to export as STP, I usually choose Curves, Surfaces and Solids. But whenever I do this, the naming of the components in the STP file gets messed up.
- Kozen
I just found out that when I go to File > Export > STEP203/STEP214 (either one) > Data Export and choose ENTIRE PART, the name of the components come out fine. It won't have my name and a random set of numbers and letters. But when I choose SELECTED OBJECTS instead of ENTIRE PART, I get my name...
Alright... So the problem came back.
Here's a new attachment of the log file that I get from translating into a STP file.
- Kozenhttp://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=10388345-1173-4ca8-b76e-ec567c9d79b1&file=STP_Naming_issues_log_file.jpg
Hey Jerry,
I'm checking Customer Defaults -> Translators and looking at STEP203 and STEP214, and I can't seem to find anything different from coworker's NX programs.
I'm now checking the other settings, but so far, haven't found anything of note. I'll reply back if I find something or not.
The component name of the file I just translated has the EXACT same name as the file that gets placed into the Temp folder as shown in the above link to my JPG.
- Kozen