1000 lbs is something we have used for these clamps.
There is usually a spacer between the two half clamps at the lower bolt location on the top ear.
8 KSI is the yield as per the code we use. Ignore the one that the marker shows.
I am not using any non-linearity option for this study.
I tend to mesh in such a way that I have at least two elements/thickness of the shortest edge. I used blended curve mesh which I believe gives better results.
For contact, I used a global contact bonded for bolt clamp contacts.
Also, you stated to use geometric and material nonlinearity. I...
I am trying to conduct a load analysis for a 3 Bolt Clamp. I would like to get your thoughts on how to set up my model for analysis. The way I have it set up is: The top bolt hole is fixed and the load is on the pipe at the 60-degree bearing surface. The pipe is set to be rigid. There is...