Dote! Did I say re-identify? I did. I meant that they are not issuing an internal control number to the item based on the drawing. They are using the vendor part number on all documents and data bases, but then they want a drawing which shows a dimensioned model of the item along wiht whatever...
We are a gov't sub-contractor where the most common practice is to still issue internal control/part numbers based on drawing numbers. That is the only way to have a link between the drawing and part because it is not done in their database. So if I have a drawing for an item, yet the item...
Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm new.
At the company I work for, tracking labeling whatsoever is a relatively new practice. Up until now it's been an unsystematic mess of engineers verbally telling technicians with the help of a few Microsoft Word documents what to do.
I am looking for...