- Oct 4, 2013
- 4
We are a gov't sub-contractor where the most common practice is to still issue internal control/part numbers based on drawing numbers. That is the only way to have a link between the drawing and part because it is not done in their database. So if I have a drawing for an item, yet the item retains it's vendor part number and is not re-identified with an internal control number based on the drawing, there is no way to know that an indivudual drawing for an item exists unless you manually put a column into the LOM that provides tracablilty between the drawing and the vendor part.
Does anyone ever have a problem with CM or engineers wanting you to create drawings for items that are being represented on a LOM and in company database by vendor part number? Is there something I am not doing right or some concept I am missing here? For instance...we buy a router, said router gets put on the LOM of the assembly that it is used in with vendor part number and inserted into parent assembly. The parent assembly will get a part number issued to it based on the drawing number since it is a custom "part", put most of the children will not. Engineers and CM insist that they do not want to track certain child items (like purchased router) using internal control numbers. Yet we will be in the middle of a design review, and if they don't see a drawing showing all the ports and the size of that router and software requiremtns they will flag me for that and insist a drawing gets made for that item. Yet,they don't want a vendor item control drawing -who's main purpose is to reissue an internal control number to that purchased item. They just want some sort of non controlling drawing recording key enternal and size features. Would this get done right in that parent assembly drawing?
Right now we just show thumbnail size models of each sub-component, where it goes in the standard rack type parent assembly and a LOM. No individual item is dimensioned or detailed at any high level though. Is the parent assembly drawing the place to show the sub-conponents in more detail, or is there some other non controlling drawing type that I can use to show the individual purchased items -yet not re-issue an internal control number based on that drawing?
I'm at a loss. ASME Y14 I've been reading over and over... pretty much if you are not re-identifying an item with an internal control number then a vendor item control drawing is not the correct drawing to use. ASME Y14 decision making tree keeps leading me to the end result of showing said item in it's "using assembly" drawing only. So I think that maybe the item just needs a clearer view and to be detailed more in it's parent assembly drawing that I am using it in to appease the design team, and that it does not get it's own seperately numbered drawing though. Any thoughts?
Does anyone ever have a problem with CM or engineers wanting you to create drawings for items that are being represented on a LOM and in company database by vendor part number? Is there something I am not doing right or some concept I am missing here? For instance...we buy a router, said router gets put on the LOM of the assembly that it is used in with vendor part number and inserted into parent assembly. The parent assembly will get a part number issued to it based on the drawing number since it is a custom "part", put most of the children will not. Engineers and CM insist that they do not want to track certain child items (like purchased router) using internal control numbers. Yet we will be in the middle of a design review, and if they don't see a drawing showing all the ports and the size of that router and software requiremtns they will flag me for that and insist a drawing gets made for that item. Yet,they don't want a vendor item control drawing -who's main purpose is to reissue an internal control number to that purchased item. They just want some sort of non controlling drawing recording key enternal and size features. Would this get done right in that parent assembly drawing?
Right now we just show thumbnail size models of each sub-component, where it goes in the standard rack type parent assembly and a LOM. No individual item is dimensioned or detailed at any high level though. Is the parent assembly drawing the place to show the sub-conponents in more detail, or is there some other non controlling drawing type that I can use to show the individual purchased items -yet not re-issue an internal control number based on that drawing?
I'm at a loss. ASME Y14 I've been reading over and over... pretty much if you are not re-identifying an item with an internal control number then a vendor item control drawing is not the correct drawing to use. ASME Y14 decision making tree keeps leading me to the end result of showing said item in it's "using assembly" drawing only. So I think that maybe the item just needs a clearer view and to be detailed more in it's parent assembly drawing that I am using it in to appease the design team, and that it does not get it's own seperately numbered drawing though. Any thoughts?