Thanks Jackk, since I import the iges file into catia, the surfaces was drawn by other software. If I draw it and use split function to trim it I can untrim. But not from the iges file.
Thanks itsmyjob(Mechanical) I am new to Catia(2 weeks). I don't know about GSD.
In Mechanical Desktop, it has command untrim surface. It changes the trim surface back to it basic surface. The basic surface of the trim surface usually has rectangle border. Does Catia have the equivalent function to do it.
After I create a solid object, I go to Tool, Customize, Toolbars tab, Standard, New. In new Toolbar window select FreeStyle, WireFrame, Ok. Then I select Plan from the new wireframe toolbar with the Plane Definition window set to Offset from plane to create a plane 10" from XY Plane. After...