OK, I learned something new. I found success with both reccomendations, thanks. I also found out how I am supposed to do it from our techdesk. We create pseudo product files in Enovia and then populate them in Catia. It give the appearances of a true Catproduct in treeform, but the database...
Ok, I use Catiav5r14 with Enovia LCA. If I can't use the constraints as stated, how can I tie my other instances down? There has got to be a way, I'm just not there yet.
I have an assyA consisting of other assys(B,C,...). In assyB, I included a part that consists of only points and lines which I wish to use for constraining in assyA. I also have a part in assyA with points and lines for constraining. When I attempt to use a line from the subpart in assyB in a...