You can use mesh / Edge Members command to create a skin (plate elements) for the core you meshed using 3D elements.
Then define the correct property for the skin.
No need for glued contact for this study.
For the elements overlap you can define an offset for the skin elements...
You are in the wrong forum. I see you are performing analysis with NX.
Here is the link for the NX forum. Post your question there and NX people will help better than Femap users
Seifeddine Naffoussi, Stress Engineer
The pick query option is useful when you have some coincident entities (nodes, elements, curves, surfaces...).
For example, if you want to list one of two coincident nodes, first activate Pick Query option, then List / Model / Node. Click on one node and a little window will appears with...
I advice you to look at the Femap Help chapter - Selecting Data for a Deformed or Contour Style
Here attached an extract about the corner data.
Seifeddine Naffoussi, Stress Engineer...
To learn more about Strength Ratio calculation refers to this document:
FEMAP\v111\nastranhelp\NXNastran\nast\misc\doc\docs\en_US\tdoc\pdf\User.pdf Chapter 24.3.
Seif Eddine Naffoussi, Stress Engineer
33650 Martillac û France
You can look at the existing API for dividing BEAM elements and simply change the prop.type condition to adapt it for BAR elements.
FEMAP\v111\api\Element Update\Divide Beams
Seif Eddine Naffoussi, Stress Engineer
33650 Martillac û France
Use a RBE3 element; connect independent nodes (only translational DOF checked) to where you mass is attached to the surface.
Use a CONM2 mass element at the CoG location and create a property with the right mass value.
That's all.
Seif Eddine Naffoussi, Stress Engineer...
It should be the same results depending on what you've defined as a failure criteria (Hill, Hoffman...)
You can refers to the laminate chapter to learn more on how Failure Indice is calculated for each criteria...
Go to Mesh / Remesh / Refine. You can define the boundary nodes and play with parameters...
Seif Eddine Naffoussi, Stress Engineer
33650 Martillac û France
Replace the mefmass all line by this one and see if it print out the results in the .f06 file
Seif Eddine Naffoussi, Stress Engineer
33650 Martillac û France
You can include this line in your analysis setting / Nastran BUlk Data Options / Start Text (Off):
SPC1 1 456 1001 THRU 2000
Give it a try without defining the constraints in Femap.
Hope this helps !
Seif Eddine Naffoussi, Stress Engineer
May be you should create a spherical coordinate system and then fix some Degree of Freedom for some nodes just to avoid the rigid body motion.
Seif Eddine Naffoussi, Stress Engineer
33650 Martillac û France
Your model is not properly constrained, review your boundary conditions
Seif Eddine Naffoussi, Stress Engineer
33650 Martillac û France
Dear Tom,
When you create a boundary surface or a composite curve you can not perform some geometric operations anymore like project curves, split curves...
So if this is the case for you, then you have to convert the boundary surface to a "normal" one by using Geometry / Surface / Convert...