Dear all,
I have a simple question.
After designing a 3D Deformable part, Is it possible to know the mass, area and volume of the designed part in Abaqus? Some kind of option that tells us information regarding the designed part?
Since the geometry of my deisgn is kind of complicating, it...
Ty very much Sir,
But i would like to inform you that i have made certain changes in the design; I have fixed the pin to the upper flange and the hole in the foot flange, so now i am dealing with only 2 parts. However, i will try what you have asked me to and let you know if i face any problem...
Dear All,
I am working on a faily simple pin and flange (Hinge) problem. My model is basically made of 2 parts, Part1 - includes the pin and Part2 - includes the socket. (as shown in the image attached below). However, i am looking to have a rotational motion in part 2 about the pin.(as...
Dear All,
I am posting this thread after thorough research and faliure of not finding the material that i need to validate my research work.
I am working on Finite Element Modeling/Analysis of Charpy Impact Test. The Materials that i am working on are;
1) A36 Steel
3) Aluminium Alloy 6061...
Dear All,
I am running a Impact (Dynamic/ Explicit) Simulation, A Modeling of Charpy Impact Test; A striker hitting a specimen. However, I am kind of having problem in setting the material Properties.
The Material Properties should be :
Steel Alloy 4140 with Young’s modulus of elasticity...
Dear All,
I am working on a problem ‘FEA of a Prosthetic model’. The Model is basically a hinge type model which consist of three parts; Part 1:The Prosthetic foot with a Flange, Part 2: the Monolimb with a Flange, Part 3: Pin. The assembly is; Part 1 and Part 2 are connected coaxially with a...
Dear All,
Can some one tell me how to plot a Von Mises Stress vs Plastic Strain Graph for a selected element? All i see is graphs with x-axis as the time for simulation or the path that we define.
I have another question.
How can i make a part (Striker) totally rigid? As in how can i increase its rigidity in order to have very negilible deformation in it since i am only interested in the Specimen.
Dear Stickjoerd,
Ignore my message above as what you had asked me to change, did actually work but with a value less than 0.9. However, i have encountered another problem; The impact is taking place but the specimen seems to take no damage at all and is acting like a rigid part instead. The...
Dear Stickjoerd,
Thank you for your response sir. I tried what you had asked me, it still didnt seem to work. I think the problem might be else where like in the interaction or somthing. However, I appreciate your concern and I am attaching the model below.
I will be extremely grateful to you...
Dear Henki,
Thank you for replying to my post. Yes, I am performing a Explicit Dynamic test. I have also made certain changes in the design. This time i have used supports to hold the specimen (as shown in the pic attached below). I tried what you had asked me to but it didnt seem to work and...
Dear All,
I have just started using ABAQUS and have less knowledge about it.
However, I have been given a task to work on a problem which includes the Finite Impact Analysis of a Charpy Impact Test. Basically the Charpy Impact Test is to be modeled using Abaqus and impact analysis is to be...