I have three separate parts, they are all next to each other. I have performed a Boolean operation on the STL files to make sure the geometries do not intersect but when I create a volume mesh in another software (3-matic) and import the INP file to ABAQUS, I end up getting elements that...
I am fairly new to ABAQUS,
just a simple question:
It is possible to run a dynamic Case with two separate parts? i.e. Can I have one part hitting another part without getting any element penetration? A simple example would be a fist and a wall. Does there need to be some sort of interaction...
Using that way, you can't define how thick the cortical layer is. Depending on what kind of mesh you have, you can keep basically "peeling" layers. If you have a tet mesh, all is dependent on how big your elements are
Hi all,
I have a 3D skull model currently but the CT scans cut off about 2/3 way, is there a way in ABAQUS were I can continue the elements to create the rest of the skull?
I have a brain and I am trying to create an interaction between the Brain and Skull. I have thought about using...
After you create a volume mesh in another software, you can import that mesh into ABAQUS and in abaqus, you can differentiate between two different sets. You can do this by creating an element set and pick the elements by angle and if you chose 20 deg, this should highlight all of the...
I have thought about modeling sliding between surface contact but there is a sizable gap between the two surfaces. I thought the frictionless interaction property only works when there is minimal to no gap between the two surfaces of the parts.
Thank you for your help
Hi all,
I am trying to model the Brain and the Skull in ABAQUS. I am a fairly new user. I was wondering if there is an interaction property I could use to model the sliding behavior between the two surfaces? I would like to Brain to be able to move freely when there is an impact on the skull. I...