Aw crud. Double oops. Use this attached point data instead. I like Notepad++ a lot, but the Ctrl+T shortcut to switch rows frequently gets me in trouble. I wish there were a way to edit or delete...
Oops: The comparison .png in the above post should state:
Both splines created by specifying Order: 5, Tolerance: 0.0005”
instead of
Both splines created by specifying Segments: 5, Tolerance: 0.0005”
1. Yes, I did mean "Through Points Spline". I much prefer using Fit Spline because I don't like the high order/high segment spline that results from Through Points, but I do have users that insist on using them. I hadn't considered the option of using the Fit Curve tool and cranking down the...
I had tried selecting Smart Points in a Feature Group in the Part Navigator (created using our in house Import Points tool) and was frustrated when I wasn't able to select points from the Part Navigator. I hadn't realized the points created with your new Import Points tool were grouped or...
I just spotted that the new Fit Curve tool (in place of Fit Spline) doesn't allow for Points From File either. That's a real pain. Sure you can create the points first using the new Import Points tool, but point selection via the GUI is no easy task and is begging for user error.
I assume you mean that you used to use Insert->Curve->Spline, since Studio Spline never gave you the option of Points From a File.
I hadn't noticed that the old Spline tool was missing in NX8.5 (unless you use the Command Finder). Yikes! I prefer Fit Splines but a lot of users here use the...
I don't know if it will fix your specific attribute problem, but there are some attribute-related fixes that have been backported from NX8.5 and should be in MP5 for NX8.
Sure! The attribute is located on the face of the sheet.
I stumbled across an issue with the way geometry Attributes work in NX8 that lead to the discovery of a more widespread problem that I could use some help with.
We use Attributes extensively to pass information from NX to ANSYS Workbench. Many of these Attributes point to Expressions. In...
The vast majority of our users are on Windows and we recently upgraded to NX 8. Per the NX 8 release notes for linux it requires RedHat Enterprise Linux 6. Unfortunately, our Linux cluster is running RHEL 5.9 and the powers that be have no plans of upgrading it anytime soon since RHEL 5 is...
Ditto potrero's question. We have a rather extensive PTS driven assembly. We modularized it by splitting it out into 50-ish different .prt's and have loads of WAVE links holding it together. I'd like to look into using this "Part Module" stuff to see if that would be a viable alternative, but...