Update and new question...
I got the control box back from the manufacturer. He did find what would have been responsible for burning up motors under the right conditions, but I couldn't in all honesty confirm that those conditions would have ever existed. This issue he found was in the...
Great. Thank you for your help. I'll update the thread when I hear from the manufacturer... and then again when I get it back and test it myself. Also, I'm going to suggest he do the test you suggested.
I'll have to refamiliarize myself with the scope. If FFT and auto are the same thing, then yes, I think it has that.
My understanding of the clamp is that the current flowing through the conductor generates a small voltage. I'm guessing that voltage would be representative of the current...
I don't see an FFT button. My scope is a Tektronix 2230. I don't have an actual clamp probe designed for use with a scope. What I have is one that plugs into my portable DMM. It's range is to 400A. Can it just be connected directly to the scope? Or does it require some kind of external...
Welcome to the thread Skogsgurra!
The manufacturer suggested the line reactors. I've been reticent because it seems too much like a guess. If it isn't harmonics, I could be replacing another motor in a month. First off, 25HP motor on the converter, 10HP spindle, CNC mill has an LED bar...
Thanks Bill. It's an option we're considering. We'll wait to hear what the manufacturer has to say when they inspect the box. It shipped to them this morning.
Do you think a line reactor could sufficiently manage the harmonics?
I mentioned a wiring problem in the RPC controller. There...
Bill, this is a delta wound motor. All were. The two that fried and the one I have for re-installation. I have considered running the CNC (therefore, vector drive) on single phase. I've spoken to a company that sells parts for and maintains my line of machines. I can get a transformer...
I forgot to mention it's an open frame motor. No smell, no external signs of heat whatsoever. I took the motor to a shop for an estimate. He wrote up the failure as "winding insulation failure". Clearly visible at one location once the armature was removed (blackened). I assume that is the...
Hello all. I have a 25 h.p. rotary phase converter that was purchased new about 3 years ago. Since then, we've burned up the idler motor twice. Both were new Reliance induction motors. The phase converter is of the transformerless variety.
I'd like to know, is there anyway one could wire...