Dear all,
I have a problem with the VUSDFLD subroutine. The purpose is very simple: to store both triaxiality and characteristic length to use them as field variables for a damage model.
The subroutine works well for the triaxiality ratio, which is calculated from the stress tensor (see...
Hi Bartosz,
thank you very much for your response. I have just transformed the subroutine successfully. One of the problems has been that in the VUSDFLD is not possible to extract the 'SINV' outputs. For that reason, I have done the assessment of the TRIAX based on the stress components 'S'...
Hi everybody,
I have implemented a damage model in Abaqus/STANDARD including the triaxiality ratio (TRIAX) as a field variable. To this end, I used a very simple user subroutine USDFLD.
However, I have updated the model for Abaqus/EXPLICIT but I have no idea how convert the USDFLD...
Thanks for your comment. However, the problem is that the tabular form for the damage evolution law relates the damage variable (D) and the displacement. I know that additional columns can be added as Field 1, Field 2,... but I have no experience with this option. My question is how to indicate...
I'm trying to include triaxiality dependence within the damage evolution law. In Abaqus, I can define the damage evolution law in a tabular form, which relates the damage variable, D, and the displacement. My question is whether or not can I include triaxiality dependence as an...
Thanks akabarten for your response.
The problem is more complicated because CONNECTOR UNIAXIAL BEHAVIOR does not take into account the permanent deformation when the connector changes from tension to compression and viceversa. I would need a connector which enables to model the whole cyclic...
Hi danielarodrigues,
you should use CONNECTOR UNIAXIAL BEHAVIOR. This capability is not available through Abaqus/CAE so you have to edit the .inp file. Moreover, this option is only available for Abaqus/EXPLICIT.
Try to search in Google, there are some inp's which you can use as example...
Hi All,
I am trying to model the cyclic behaviour of a
connector (loading, unloading, and different behaviour in tension and
compression) and I think that none of the capabilities of connectors in Abaqus enable to
do this.
I would be very grateful if you could point me in the right...