Hi Eric.N
Can you let me know the code for selecting the Text in Background view???
I was not able to get it......
One more Issue is, CATIA VB Editor works in my system some time and some time VB Editor is grayed out. i work with P4, 2GB Ram V5R8. I have tried to copy the CATSetting file when...
A small tip for "re-issuing the command " again and again
Use the command "Repeat"(Ctrl + y) . This will repeat the last executed command.
for example after creating a fillet u can select " repeat command to get the fillet icon". Take care not to use it after...
dear venkatanka
if u have the knowledge Advisor License u can use the Parameter "smartWetarea" Available in Formulae to get the Projected Area of the Solid.
Else the best i can think of is use the EXTRACT Command in GSD with Point Continuity Option to get a single surface of ur Body...
using save management will help you to save the product file and its parts in a different location with links and/or with new file name. You can use the File>"Send To" option also to copy the product and parts at a new location with different name.
as far as drawing is concerned...
Hi Rozab
RMB is Right Mouse Button.
To overcome this issue i have been giving the name of the part when creating the new file itself.
Tools>Options>Infrastructure>Product structure>Product structure>part Number and under it switch on the manual input tab.
So every time a new part is created we...
In such a case i use the search option to select all the surfaces(Edit>search)and then select the Healing command and select apply.
This again will show me the open edges in Green.
I know this is not the right procedure but this is the only workaround i can guess of. Any other ideas on this...
Dear Gururaj
Here is what i do.. We have HD2 Licence.
I use Join command to Join my surfaces and select apply. This will show me the free edges in Green.
Alternatively you may also use the Boundry Command in GSD to get the same result Cheers
Hi Vinn
Thinking you are in part design workbench go to view>toolbar>apply material or view> commandlist>apply material to choose your material for the part and drag and drop it on the part
U will find that the material is added as the first feature in your history. Double click on the material...
Hi Mike
I understand you want to export only the parts which are shown and not the parts which are hidden. here is a option
go to tools>Options>Compatibility>IGES>and switch on Save only shown entities. this will save only the parts which are shown. so u may hide all the unwanted entities and...
Use Edit + Search + Advanced Search + Select Type = Points or Lines and Search. Select the Result and delete them.
Please note that "change Body can be used for all wireframe data( Project, Intersect, Extrude,Translate...). Also Multiple selecting is possible by selecting these objects except sketches. Which meens u can select Extrude, Intersect, Project all in one go and use change body command but u...
Go to Generative Surface Design> Insert> Wireframe> Helix.
The Input For Helix is a Starting point(Radius of the tubing coil) and a Axis of Revelution.
After Creating Helix create a Plane Normal to the Helix at any one of its end. (Plane> Normal to Curve> select helix> select any one of the...
Hai Jack
U may use search command to locate all the entities in a particular layer and to selsct them
u may use visiualization filters as well to show / hide entities available in particular layer. once u have the required objects, u may select them using selection trap.