Thanks SJones - the ASTM papers did help with this and with some other aspects of my research as well. And the paper metengr linked me to was extremely helpful as well. Thanks again! [smile]
It's not faulty setup because I got good results for a higher voltage sweep (0.5 mV/s) but this happened for the lower voltage sweep (0.05 mV/s).
Also, I'm not sure how to upload a picture of the graph - from what I've seen you can only URL a picture that's already up on the internet somewhere...
I was running a few linear polarization corrosion experiments on a titanium alloy in NaCl. Long story short, I got a funky - looking Tafel plot; the right side is almost like a corner. The program I am using (EC-Lab) extrapolates the slopes automatically but I still have to select which...