Hello Everyone!
I am in need of some help, I am modeling a sphere impacting a surface (both deformable metals) at a high velocity. Upon impact both the sphere and substrate deform significantly. Additionally I am using element failure and deletion which require internal surfaces.
When I set...
I am working on a model of a sphere impacting a substrate at high velocity with element erosion on both parts. I have gotten this to work in 3D by creating the model in CAE and then adding interior surfaces by modifying the .inp file.
Now I need to model the same scenario in 2D so that I can...
I am modeling a high velocity impact where both the impacting part and the substrate are eroding. My problem is similar to the example problem 2.1.4 but I am having trouble getting it to behave in the same way.
The example problem says that I need to use general contact, which I am, to define...
I was wondering if anybody could provide me with a tip or a starting point for a problem I have encountered. I've browsed the documentation with no luck so far, maybe I'm using the wrong search terms.
I am modeling high velocity impacts which generate heat using ABAQUS/Explicit. I...
I am trying to create a quality mesh on a sphere and it is causing me some trouble. The only mesh I have been able to apply is a tetrahedral mesh. I would prefer to use hex elements but I cannot seem to partition the sphere adequately for it to allow me to do so.
So my question is...
This seems like a good thread to post this question in, apologies if it is not.
What is the best way to mesh a solid sphere? The only technique I have had any success with is tet elements but I would like to use hex.
Anybody have any tips on how to partition it to get a nice mesh with hex...
I bet that's it! Now I feel dumb but that would explain things. Thank you.
Is there a way to make it assume that a circle in 2D is a sphere and not a cylinder? I guess it's probably just in the part creation options, I should be able to figure it out but I wont have access to ABAQUS until...
I'm working on an impact problem with a sphere hitting a deformable substrate. I did it first with and axisymetric model and I got results that look good/expected. No I want to add complexity that rules out an axisymetric approach, so I tried to recreate what I have so far in 2D.
I would like to specify adhesion between two surfaces based on the stress or strain at the contact surface, is this supported by abaqus? If so, would somebody mind pointing me to where I can read about it in the documentation.
I posted last week about excessively long run times when modeling the impact of a small particle onto a rigid substrate (http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=341716). Since then I have realized that the particle was traveling through the rigid substrate with no contact. I have...
Thanks Dan, I didn't define any sort of contact (DOH!), I try that now.
I was under the impression that standard contact controls were build into the analysis when two separate parts came into contact. I'm going to do the contact turtorial now and try to implement what I learn there.
I will...
I'm still having trouble with the same problem, I tried running it overnight and it still did not complete.
I also tried lowering the impact velocity to very small values so that the deformation would be very minor, it still didn't complete after a few hours.
If anybody has any other advice...
Thanks Dan! I'll try running those this afternoon when I can get back to the computer lab.
I may need to coordinate with the computer lab to let my program run over night, because I am expecting very large deformation of the particle.
You mentioned contact which I didn't really mess with in...
I hope this isn't too elementary for this forum but I was hoping some of you Abaqus gurus could give me a bit of guidance.
My goal is to model the impact of a spherical metal particle (40 micron diameter) onto a large (can be assumed to be semi-infinite) substrate at high velocities (750 m/s)...