How far off would 1/2 degree be at 297 ft? If we are talking a few feet, that would be fine, tens of feet would not. Also good to know that earth is that inaccurate. The only definite property marker is the 15 sign, and yes the road was impossible to measure from, it no longer exists. The wooden...
+/-2 ft is plenty, I just need a good enough idea of where the property is to drive onto it. My plan is to use pre cut lengths of string/twine/rope, hopefully something that will go 297 ft without stretching too much. I've already made a half-assed attempt at surveying it, this is what i did;
Its two adjacent 121ftx297ft lots, total of 1.65 acres I believe. All the other lots in the block are the same size, which is how I'm measuring. Plus, the lot info has gps coordinates, which are the direct center of each lot.
Hello all, I'm trying to figure out this old Keuffel and Esser pocket transit compass. My goal is to use this to rough survey some family property, not officially survey, I'll have a pro survey done before anything is built, or fenced. If I can get it within a few feet, that will be good enough...
I'm going to start widening my lower control arms this weekend, I've lowered the bike by 5". I'm not able to lower it any further, as it sits, there is some kind of bind. I think the ball joint is at its angle limit. When I widen the LCAs, i'll straighten the ball joint/LCA mount and it should...
"And ... You are showing it in the rear suspension. The rear suspension is going to be the one with the high roll center. You are going to need the antiroll bar up front, and most likely not in the rear."
This solves a lot of the confusion I was having, it makes sense now. Since I'm running a...
I plotted a new front suspension layout based on Mazda Miata front spindles, and 195/50r15 tires. When I lower the ride height to 7", and lengthen the arms 4", I end up with a roll center of 2.75" and a CG of 8".
Let me start simple, could I use a sway bar to control roll as in the picture? They are normally 4130 steel as far as I know. Given the light weight of the application, I could possibly use mild DOM tubing?
The goal is a long distance, freeway capable(75mph/120km) atv. A soft ride is not required, and the machine will see very careful off road use occasionally. It will need to pull a small trailer(600lbs total), safely. I've approximated the weight at 916lbs, full fuel, 175lb rider.
From what I...
I can definitely lower ride height and was planning on adding 3-4" a side to the arms. If I lower the attachment points on the chassis end, could I further lower roll center by changing the vertical distance between the uppers and lowers? What would be an acceptable range for front roll height...
Thanks for the reply, this is a solid drive axle rear(triangulated), with an independent front. I came up with a roll center height of 10.5" for the A-Arm front suspension, with the current design of the triangulated rear having a roll height of 14". I believe my CG is around 18" off the ground...
I am building a double triangulated 4 link for an atv, and I'm having a hard time understanding how roll center height affects the the stability of a vehicle. I don't want to make this thing more unstable than it has to be, given its already high CG and short track. My current design has a roll...