Can't you request a field output U from a set which only contains the reference point?
Not sure if i understood correctly... You just want post-processing?
Thank you Icebreaker. I guess iterative solving of the material equation is only needed when working with plastic strains. The centralized differential scheme to discretize the ode is probably just chosen because of second order accuracy. (?)
So when using an implicit dynamic solving procedure...
I was wondering about the following:
When implementing a simple visco-elastic material model in the UMAT subroutinge, the Abaqus subroutine manual uses the centralized integration scheme to discrtetize the ordinary differential equation. This is actually an explicit integration scheme...
You can group your elements in a set in your model. Then in your pyton code search for all data with a KEY that containts COAL-1.
Python string search works as following:
IF 'COAL-1' in key:
%% extract the strain here of the corresponding element
Make a loop over all xydata with this...
Sometimes it's also the case the maximum number of iterations setting is just too low. Right click your steps, click edit..., Tab incementation and increase the maximum number. But as IceBreakerSours says, if you're experiencing long computation times due to too small time-increments, you should...
In the example you have a ode of the form:
Sigma + A *dSigma = B*eps + C*deps
A is obviously nu_tilde.
B and C are split into lame coefficients by using the poisson coefficient nu_p. A value for nu_p must be chosen for your material. Eg. Steel has 0.3. The poisson coefficient helps to...