- Dec 16, 2013
- 5
I Need help to get the coordinates of a reference Point for a special situation in abaqus. I am working on a Simulation in order to research the springback angle of metal after bending. For this purpose i need the travelling distance of the bending Punch in dependency of the bending angle.
I tried to solve the Problem with a reference Point, which is defined in the sketch geometry with a 3D wire. The y-value of the reference Point is the travelling distance, i want implement in the python script to calculate the time step (the Speed of the bending Punch is variable).
A short extract from the script (the ID of the referen ce Point is 4):
#####sketch with only on vertice for the wire######
Pos3D_sketch = Simu_3D.ConstrainedSketch(name='Wire_distance', sheetSize=200.0)
Pos3D_sketch.sketchOptions.setValues(gridOrigin=(0, 0))
Pos3D_part = Simu_3D.Part(dimensionality=THREE_D, name='Wire_distance', type=DISCRETE_RIGID_SURFACE)
del Pos3D_sketch
######instance and reference point
Pos_3D_ins = Simu_3D.rootAssembly.Instance(dependent=ON, name='Wire_distance-1', part=Pos3D_part)
RP_dis = Simu_3D.rootAssembly.ReferencePoint(point=Simu_3D.rootAssembly.instances['Wire_distance-1'].
InterestingPoint(Pos_3D_ins.edges.findAt((-13.5, -0.816148, 0.0), ), MIDDLE))
#####ID of reference point
RP_dis_ID = RP_dis.id
RP_dis_ID_str = str(RP_dis_ID)
#####different ways i tried to obtain the values (x,y,z)
test1 = Simu_3D.rootAssembly.referencePoints.values('RP-4')
test2 = Simu_3D.rootAssembly.features.keys('RP-4')
test3 = Simu_3D.rootAssembly.referencePoints.keys()[0]
test4 = Simu_3D.rootAssembly.referencePoints[RP_dis_ID]
test5 = Simu_3D.rootAssembly.referencePoints.getCoordinates('RP-4')
####the last try (test5) results in a error warning
RPrepository doesnt have the Attribute getCoordinates
I looking Forward to someybody who can help me to find a solution. If more Information is required, i can describe the script in more Detail.
Thanks a lot
I Need help to get the coordinates of a reference Point for a special situation in abaqus. I am working on a Simulation in order to research the springback angle of metal after bending. For this purpose i need the travelling distance of the bending Punch in dependency of the bending angle.
I tried to solve the Problem with a reference Point, which is defined in the sketch geometry with a 3D wire. The y-value of the reference Point is the travelling distance, i want implement in the python script to calculate the time step (the Speed of the bending Punch is variable).
A short extract from the script (the ID of the referen ce Point is 4):
#####sketch with only on vertice for the wire######
Pos3D_sketch = Simu_3D.ConstrainedSketch(name='Wire_distance', sheetSize=200.0)
Pos3D_sketch.sketchOptions.setValues(gridOrigin=(0, 0))
Pos3D_part = Simu_3D.Part(dimensionality=THREE_D, name='Wire_distance', type=DISCRETE_RIGID_SURFACE)
del Pos3D_sketch
######instance and reference point
Pos_3D_ins = Simu_3D.rootAssembly.Instance(dependent=ON, name='Wire_distance-1', part=Pos3D_part)
RP_dis = Simu_3D.rootAssembly.ReferencePoint(point=Simu_3D.rootAssembly.instances['Wire_distance-1'].
InterestingPoint(Pos_3D_ins.edges.findAt((-13.5, -0.816148, 0.0), ), MIDDLE))
#####ID of reference point
RP_dis_ID = RP_dis.id
RP_dis_ID_str = str(RP_dis_ID)
#####different ways i tried to obtain the values (x,y,z)
test1 = Simu_3D.rootAssembly.referencePoints.values('RP-4')
test2 = Simu_3D.rootAssembly.features.keys('RP-4')
test3 = Simu_3D.rootAssembly.referencePoints.keys()[0]
test4 = Simu_3D.rootAssembly.referencePoints[RP_dis_ID]
test5 = Simu_3D.rootAssembly.referencePoints.getCoordinates('RP-4')
####the last try (test5) results in a error warning
RPrepository doesnt have the Attribute getCoordinates
I looking Forward to someybody who can help me to find a solution. If more Information is required, i can describe the script in more Detail.
Thanks a lot