when a supplier claimed that their valves are to fire safe design means they must have fire test certificate.
they only need to test 1 size to satisfy all other sizes like what Littleinch had said.
Go Google search under image for "API 607 fire safe" and you will know.
API 607 = ISO 10497...
Quote by him "Not like these which get jammed up with enough pressure."
Am i reading it right? must be not enough pressure. Go try with high pressure and check whether it will jam or not.
yea, our standard ball valves is:
Body - WCB
Trim - 316
they are looking for 1/2",1",2",4" and 6". Qty less than 30Pcs total combine.
i told him, 316 is made up of 16Chrome-12Nickel-2Moly, but he insist of using carbon steel with nickel chrome plating.
I seriously dont understand why, i...
i have trouble with a client insisting to have ball valves's ball in carbon steel with nickel chrome plating, instead of standard 316 ball for seawater as fluid.
·Operational liquid: Normal sea water
·Operational temperature: 20-35 deg C
·Operational pressure: 7- 8 bar Max.
please help