Just to touch on that Moment calc though, referencing Lindenburg's Civil Engineering Reference Manual, APpendix 47.A, rather than using
(eqn #5) w*l*L^2/12
shouldnt we be using
(eqn #22) (wL^2/12)(1-6(a/L)^2+4(a/L)^3) where a=distance from support to distributed load?
Seems like the way...
So far we are actually have fairly good luck using pallet jacks. It is not ideal, but might get us through this job, providing us enough time to get this figured out prior to our next project. hasn't hurt production much either.
I will keep you all posted.
i have spent the last few days trying to figure it out myself in order to avoid having to ask you stupid questions, but i haven't been successful.
What calc are you doing to yield they 3.85 in shear and 14 ft-k in bending? Also having trouble backing in to your 27.5 number,
Also, we...
my initial concern is not punching through the deck, its the post shores failing. the deck is a parking garage deck and is designed for cars traveling over it with no reshoring. EOR stated reshoring the deck with post shores would alleviate his concerns, he's just worried about the bending...
How about that deck though? Do I need to assume it offers as much help as a wet paper towel or can I assume it spreads some load out to several shores. What would go into that? I can't wrap my head around that with the fact that I am shoring down to slab on grade and won't be getting...
2000lbs is our max load, the forklifts max capacity is 5000lbs, we just don't have a need to pick anything that heavy up, which is why I spread it over the 4 tires.
ReShore spacing for 500psf based on shore strength alone would be something like 3' both ways or 3'x4'. Pretty tight spacing...
My initial take was to reshore for 500psf. My owner is not excited about that. Looking for a reason to convince myself I am being overly conservative. Here's the deal though, I know this owner has done this numerous times with reshores designed to support only the live load / dead load of...
Concrete sub wants to reshore garage deck down to mat slab with forklift loading in mind. EOR will not allow forklift to be driven on garage deck without reshores because garage deck was only designed for a 6,000lbs automobile load, forklift weights 8,000lbs and will have a 2,000lbs load...
Also, worth noting that the wall is 60' long, and will have wingwalls on both ends, one side will have them in both directions, which will aid in preventing overturn.
Guys, cant thank you enough for your replies.
Since writing this I have pretty much moved to the idea that I should be using at rest condition. I The final condition of the wall will be at rest, and I do not want it to move prior to construction being completed.
The only surcharge loads that...
PEinc and Oldestguy,sorry about posting to multiple forums. improper form on my part.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your time in providing a thorough answer. Reading your comments was both exciting and enlightening. That said...
The walls final condition will be at rest since it will...
Rookie PE. Here is my situation:
I have a retaining wall that will be temporarily braced to allow for backfill prior to placement of the concrete deck that will go above the wall. Once the deck is placed it will act as a diaphragm and the bracing can be removed. I need to calculate the spacing...
Rookie PE. Here is my situation:
I have a retaining wall that will be temporarily braced to allow for backfill prior to placement of the concrete deck that will go above the wall. Once the deck is placed it will act as a diaphragm and the bracing can be removed. I need to calculate the spacing...