hello everyone,
first, i just want to say that the knolwdgw that i am getting it from this website is enormous. i want to thank you all.
my quiry is as follows:
if we have an existing pipeline (50 KM, 40 Barg, fuel gas) and we want to introduce a new pipeline with the same media. now, my...
dear forum,
i have confusion about LPG pipelines design. we usually deals with gas standard 31.8.
my question is which ASME code shall we use to design LPG pipeline? if we consider the liquid standards, LPG can go to gas phase easily if its not stable during the transportation.
Dear All,
i will really appreciate if anyone can explain this to me.
in any flare system there should be nitrogen purging, some has Auto-purging other manual-purging.
my question is, what are the considerations when choosing one of them?
MortenA, thanks for posting your answer.
yes indeed its thermodynamics! but my question is How we can prevent it! because 4 years a go i was in gas plant and this "pressure drop" happened and it caused a problem to the facility operators! so after they studied the case its shows that its JT...
How can we prevent joule Thomson effect on valves (natural gas plant)? and how should we deal with this effect in case it happen to a valve (pressure drop)? is there any procedure regard this matter?