I'm not sure the use of BS EN ISO welding and NDT standards on ASME 31.1 (not 31.3 as stated before) piping is dangerous but care is required with grouping of ASTM materials, as you say. According to 15608 I think A106B is under group 11 according to its specification composition but all the...
XL83NL - A lot of the work we do now is to BS EN ISO for welding and NDT but to ASME construction code. There are whole libraries on ASME compliance with European regulations.
A butt weld does cover a fillet weld but the client is saying that the thickness of the flange must be qualified. It's...
I've suddenly had what I thought was a simple task made rather complicated.
The design code is ASME 31.3, the welding is to 15614-1.
To weld a slip-on flange to a pipe (in this case A106B, 8" SCH40) what are the governing material thicknesses?
Does my WPS/WPQR range have to include the flange...
thanks kingnero. That's what I was thinking but was told otherwise by a welding engineer. It is a bit misleading though. I can't think how both processes wouldn't have been tested to standard apart from the impact test requirement.
So if, for example, I run a pqr on 14mm w.t. and put in 7mm with...
Can somebody please interpret/advise on the following from BS EN 15614-1 in particular the note underlined.
This is in relation to potentially using a PQR done with 141 root and pass(es) and 111 fill and cap to qualify a 141 process only WPS
Para 8.4.1 "For multi-process procedures the welding...
Hi all. Just starting to use draftsight.(In fact just starting to use CAD period.) Could somebody please tell me how to manually enter a measurement to a dimension line? For example, in a "Not to Scale" piping isometric. Thanks.