I got one of the TYC-50 motors I was talking about and took it apart. I thought I'd post a description and some photos for posterity.
The motor cost a bit less than $10.00 on eBay, including shipping. It was delivered from China to California in about a week. It's housed in a stamped...
> Does it "cog"? If it does, then it is a synchronuous motor.
These are always advertised as 'synchronous' motors, so I presume that's what they are...
but what do you mean by 'cog'? How could I test that?
Thanks for all the suggestions folks. I think I'm going to have to get one and do some experimenting. Maybe I'll take it apart and take some photos.
>The OP says that the motor starts in either direction.
> The only motor type I know of, that does that, is the one that Philips...
Hi All,
I'm new here; please direct me if this has already been answered.
I want to use one of these cheap synchronous motors (http://i01.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/279558351/_font_b_AC_b_font_font.jpg) in a hobby project, but I need it to turn in a predictable direction. I understand that this...