Best to prepare proficiency samples.
The fed lab prepares a sample using their hand method. Your lab prepares a sample using the rubber tipped mortise and pestle. Each lab prepares enough representative samples to be supplied to all laboratories that have been previously involved. All labs test...
A remolded CBR may work for this
Determine the compaction curve of the material. Obtain Max Dry Density and Optimum Moisture values.
Say your Maximum Dry Density is 2.083 tonnes/m3 (I am Australian) with an OMC of 10.3% If you want to determine the CBR at 95% compaction, see what 95% of the...
You should look at how your sample has been handled and if any segregation has occurred. This can cause significant variation in your results for CBR. You mentioned that all 3 CBR curves cross each other which also makes me believe that your samples are segregated, assuming that you should see a...
Job specifications should have an apendix describing terminology for the specific project. If not, like said above it wouldn't hurt at all to ask the question. There are no stupid questions related to construction.