thanks for the tips so far. There are several things I'm still thinking of doing regarding springs, floating, working with only one cone, etc.
@ Handleman -- When the ball is rotated coaxially to a cone, I was thinking that if you broadened the line of contact a bit (as would actually happen...
trying to work out an adjustable swiveling foot.
Would like to clamp a ball between two cones (would be threaded together) as illustrated. Known would be the contact angles (and thus the radii of the contact rings), the compression force along the common axis of the cones, and the friction...
OP here.
Thanks Rob.
What I think I've found is that my major error was assuming that a single polynomial would represent one of these SW spline functions. I've read up more on Bezier curves in the meantime and discovered that they are usually represented in parametric form with different...
Hope there's a spline guru out there who can help me with this. I have found it very convenient to sketch splines and define them using tangents and tangent weighting (SW2014), but for my numerical analyses I need to have the representative polynomials. I can manually brute-force this...