Thank you for your continued input. The heat exchanger does turn on, and water flow is audible. I think disassembling the heat exchanger and checking for obstructions is a good course of action. Both the of the water input and output lines of the heat exchanger become very cold...
The only thing that we believe could have been altered is the state of the aforementioned flow control valve (several students have access). All other aspects have been verified as unchanged. Operational cycles will be changing, but we are still in the setup/calibration stage and have...
Thanks hydtools. I have attached a schematic above. The flow control valve I am referencing is labelled as 31. The accumulator dump-valves are labelled as 30. Note that only Port 1 (P1) is in use. The system runs a mid-sized fatigue testing machine. Fatigue...
Hi guys,
I am busy diagnosing the cause of high temperature within a hydraulic circuit which has not been problematic in the past. The circuit runs a low-displacement, high force application. The fluid heats up well past 220F after a couple hours. We suspect that the problem may be the amount...
The majority of the force in a joint can come from the muscle forces acting to move the limb. So it may be insufficient to load the knee with simply the mass of the body it is supporting if you want to see realistic lubrication or wear characteristics. Bone-on-Bone joint loads, as opposed to...