Looking in the Abaqus Analysis User's Guide for 6.14 you can see in section 23.2.6 "Anisotropic yield/creep" an explanation of how hill's potential function is implemented. You will see that your input stress of 263 MPa is the user defined reference yield stress σ0. So depending on the values...
I don't see the attached picture, but I think this will solve your problem: In order to apply angular velocities and displacements to parts/surfaces/edges in Abaqus, you need to couple the part/surface/edge that you want to rotate to a reference point, and apply the rotation to that reference...
Are you running it as an implicit static analysis or a quasistatic analysis using implicit dynamic? If you are running it as a static analysis, then the time period won't have any effect unless you are using material properties with rate-dependent plasticity. For instance, if your run your...
Hi Compabaq,
Another solution to your problem is to run two analyses. Although you can't go from a static implicit step to a dynamic explicit step in one analysis, you can first run a static implicit job to get to your static pre-strained state. You'll need to make sure you request a restart...