Yep, that's a great answer. You would think the basis would be least in the same publication. In any case, I appreciate the explanation - makes sense now!
I know this is pretty basic, but I always use tables and am trying to get in the habit of plotting out a vapor compression cycle on a P-h graph. Anyway, I am working with ammonia and the enthalpy results don't seem to match between chart and graph (-200 vs 700 kJ/kg?!). How am I misreading it...
Thank you guys for all of the help. IRstuff and PNachtwey, after your recommendations I got a copy of Mathematica and rewrote my equations and inputs that I was attempting in MathCAD. IRstuff, good call on having it crunch a numerical solution sooner rather than later. By using DSolve w/...
Thanks for the response. I was just considering learning MATLAB, but maybe I should give Mathematica a look instead. Is one better with symbolic integrals?
With bending equations, the integral of M(x) is Theta(x) and the integral of that is v(x) (deflection). Both integrations are...
Using MathCAD 14.0, I am trying to take the indefinite integral and double integral of moment-curvature equations in the form of Ax/(B+Cx+Dx2+Ex3+Fx4). If I attempt this with the symbolic equal sign, it churns for a while, turns red, and says "out of memory". If I attempt this with the...