Thanks for the insights and suggestions, I really appreciated it, I asked the area's engineers about the reason of why that kind of coolant..
Currently company is using a much thicker viscosity because water-based oil (looks like milk) overtime damages (rust) the machine's parts...
Hi I know this is easy for some engineers here, but just wondering if how I can make "MP1" at the first column be highlighted to yellow if MP1 data is equal to N/A, as shown in the image.
Hi JNieman and gerhardl,
Our machines are mostly CNC. after process of item, operator takes a longer time to clean scrap from item and the fastened jig.. also, oil in item takes time to clean too. (cutting tool coolant used is oil).
hi I'm curious of what other metal processing companies are currently using during removing of scrap from finished item and jigs after machining / lathe process.. our company is currently using a concentrated nozzled airgun...and we are figuring out if this is still the best airgun there is to...