Clarification on the design conditions, they are the MAWP, not necessarily the operating conditions:
The exchanger service is " DE-ETHANIZER REBOILER"
The MAWP (shellside) is 308 psi @ 650 with a -20 MDMT @ 308 psi.
The MAWP (tubeside) is 190 psi @ 650 with a -20 MDMT @ 190 psi.
Hello all and thanks in advance here,
I've got a Shell & Tube Heat exchanger with 4 3/4" thick tubesheets. (Stationary and Floating)
It's a Tema type AES exchanger -- 61" I.D. shell and channel with (2544) 3/4" o.d. Tubes on a 1" 45 degr. rotated sq. pitch.
It's all carbon steel, SA-516-70N...
This is a continuation of my previous thread.
I'm trying to get an exemption for my 2" thick 32205 duplex tubesheet from Impact testing.
According to UHA-51 (G): "for vessels when the coincident ratio of design stress in tension to allowable tensile stress is less than
MY problem is...
I have 2" thick duplex stainless tubesheets with duplex (S31803) 3/4" o.d. straight tubes, I'm being forced into impact testing to -50 deg. F.
for the tubesheets, and so my question is: Is there any solution that would let me out of this impact testing requirement? Any exemption?
From what...
I've got a 96 tube heat exchanger that was formerly horizontal, now is vertical. I'm replacing the bundle on it and the tubes are to be Seal Welded and Rolled.
Do I need to do anything different as far as tube projection because it is vertical?
Is this what UCS-56 (e)& (f) is telling me regarding "WELD REPAIRS"
Is a "WELD REPAIR" considered to be the act of welding/adding nozzles and a skirt cylinder to the 2:1 elliptical head?
'david339933' -- thanks for the help. My vendor sent the proper documentation, I just haven't gotten them in front of me.
I think most people believe that if the heads are heat treated, then you cannot weld or burn on them without heat treating them again.
And if you can, then it's because...
The heads are SA-516-70 and they were exceeding the EFE fiber elongation 5% -- The purchasing manager took it upon himself to get cold formed heads with the requirement that the vendor stress relieve.
I don't have the paperwork on the vendors stress relief procedure yet, but I will. The vendor...
Thank you, I have requested from the Head vendor all documentation, and will bury myself in the ASME code book reading.
I will also buy Hot formed heads next time.
IT is a section VIII vessel - and the vessel was not required to be Heat treated as a "service requirement"
The vendor heat treated the heads after forming them is all I know - I don't have his process, or his temp/hold times.
They were baked out after being formed is all I know at this point
I'm building a vessel and the heads were "Cold Formed" -- the vendor has heat treated them and shipped them to me.
These heads are to have Nozzles welded into them and then (obviously) they will be welded onto the vessel Cylinder.
Am I required to Heat Treat The heads again after they have had...
This will sound silly, but I have a legitimate question.
Is there any reason or benefit why the floating tubesheet would NOT get tube hole serrations?
This is a Roller expanded only tube bundle (no Tube end welding)
Thanks in advance
At what (ballpark) temperature are "Cold"- formed heads spun/formed at??
Can they be heat treated after being cold formed and THEN welded to the vessel Shell.
I'm trying to avoid heat treating the entire Pressure Vessel and I'm stuck using these cold formed heads.
This will probably be an easy one for most of you here, but I'm stuck so here goes:
I've got a Carbon Steel Vessel 5/8" thk. shell and 1/2" thk. 2:1 heads that are Cold Formed.
I'm getting a "fiber elongation exceeds 5%" warning and I'm wondering if I must heat treat the ENTIRE vessel?
If I...
On a shell and tube heat exchanger and for tube-to-tubesheet welding.
QW-193 says nothing about the length of the tubes to be used for the mock-up itself. It also does not note the size of the mock tubesheet, only the thickness (2")
I'm using 10 x 10" and I'm hoping that is large enough...
Does anyone have an old Mock-up detail Drawing they would not my sharing?
I'm making one, and going from memory at the moment. I remember Q-193 dictates that I need ATLEAST ten (10) tubes and
my 'mock' tubesheet needs to be the same thk's as the real tubesheet or 2".
Do I need to include...