Hi all,
I would like to hear any opinion in the subject of Ultrasonic inspection in composite laminates having a metallic insert or shim.
I have heard about some Ultrasonic inspections where the shim is not detected, some of the theories is that the composite/metal compaction is good that the...
Hi all,
I would like to hear any opinion in the subject of Ultrasonic inspection in composite laminates having a metallic insert or shim.
I have heard about some Ultrasonic inspections where the shim is not detected, some of the theories is that the composite/metal compaction is good that the...
Just in case anyone look into this,
I was using for the linear solution the param,omid,yes card which is only valid for linear, as the element coordinate frames happens to be 90 degrees phased from the Material coordinate system i was getting these "inverted" results.
Hi all,
I'm working with some linear(101) and non-linear(106) models to extract membrane forces from composite structures modelled via pcomps.
As the membrane force direction matters for the post-process analysis(i.e. using the f06 loads i calculate stresses and strain for the composite out of...
Hi. the reason you are getting this error is because the model checks are throwing a geometrical error regarding the topology of an element, you can either remesh your model to obtain less distortion or relax the tolerance for the geometrical model checks.
Thanks for all your answers,
With all your comments i could see now what was the problem. The allowables that i have are actually for Smax at different R ratios(unfortunately the test lab did not specified this at first) , so the Sa will be less for higher r ratios, now when using the goodman...
Thanks for the reply, totally agree the stress range will have the greatest contribution to the fatigue strength, my question is related to the use of fatigue allowables at different r ratios, for example i have a fatigue allowable for a given material of 100 MPa at an R equals -1, for a fully...
Hi all,
I know this may sound like a very fundamental question, i just cant find an explanation in the literature.
R is defined as the ratio between the min and max stress, and depending its value has an impact on the fatigue test results by decreasing the stress amplitude as stress ratio...