Thanks to both of you. Why is it so common for straights to be a specified requirement downstream of the PRV as opposed to upstream? because of the typically higher line velocities on the discharge?
I think I understand what Katmar is saying. Typically the downstream pressure gauge is used to...
Thanks Katmar.
If you refer to the attached drawing though, the downstream tapping point is immediately at the discharge in this specific models circumstance, where the flow has just been throttled.
What are you referring to by 'standard criteria'? Our plant demand is 1500kg/hr, meaning we are...
Hi guys,
On a current project we are installing a new steam line and pressure reducing station to service a crude vegetable oil refining plant. The inlet pressure to the station is 10 barg (boiler pressure), and out of the PRV the pressure is 3 barg i.e. the operating pressure of the...