Thank's I will use reverse normal.
This Replace face is from Synchronus Toolbar, I normally use Replace Feature.
Many times I have to import external ref. as orphan and replace them in my Input data.
Normal dir. while mapping in Catia V5:
Hi All
Is there (in NX 9) a option to set material dir for faces?,(ex. Catia-Invert orientation).
Replace (while mapping)don't show the material dir.
When I repalce surface for new one I don't know what is the material direction and the result is completly mess in some trim operations...
I've got some detail question,
why I can't select Datum Axis as Second Object in Rapid Dim Sketch?
see JPG
As I know it can be done only by Admninistrator.
You can only save as favourite your profile with others settings, dots size, leader etc.
You can also select all PMI to your one defalult PMI (Select Object to Inherit).
So don't need to change default size.
Hi Krish, I'm working with NX since 3 years (before 13 years, and naw Catia V5), and have the same issue.
Working now on sealing systems, moulding etc. in NX it's disaster!!!. I have model with 3000 steps and after update, need to spend hole day to fix all fillets and missing features...