I think I figured it out. Not only does the Extreme Point option have to be Checked in the Measurement Preferences, but Other has to be selected as well as Extreme in the Results Filter. Then when you select Associative and open the flyout menu on screen, you get the option to create geometry...
I'm not seeing how I can set the Output Geometry in the newer Measure tool that would allow me to 'create' an Extreme point. This was possible in NX 12 using the standalone Extreme Point Measurement tool, but that's now pulled into the Measure tool. Anyone know about this?
SMO (NX11)
It just won't display attributes in a note. Honestly. I can see all of my other notes, including the word "test" in the very same note, e.g. "test <WRef1*0@NX_ObjectMaterial>" just shows "test." I did checked my color settings, a Leader like I said before, and for the sake of it, Monochrome...
Thank you for sharing that. I've only ever used the 'Relationships' category for the 'Insert Expression' functionality. Unfortunately though, the note isn't appearing on the drawing. Even though I'm able to follow the instructions step by steps, which are confirmed by the Cue/Status...
I can't Copy the attributes script from a View or Section label and Paste into a note, e.g. " SECTION <C2.0000><XYZ*0@VWLETTER_DISP>-<XYZ*0@VWLETTER_DISP><C> "
I get the following message: " Invalid annotation specified in entry field. "
This was always possible before.
It looks like old Edit Text (or Edit Annotation?) functionality is gone, where you could copy the view label attributes and then past them in a note to cross-reference back to that view. This method was nice of course because it maintain associativity, i.e. if the view label changes, so would...
I've used a Knowledge Fusion script before with Suppression by Expression and made the expression a conditional statement to where an Informational window would pop up letting the user know why the component feature went into a Suppressed state.
For example:
A Bellow (standard part) has a min...
Wondering if anyone knows syntax that can be used in an expression that pulls up a message window when that expression meets a specific condition? Knowledge Fusion syntax I believe.
One example I've used this syntax for was with a conditional statement for a standard parts, Below which is to be...
Sorry for the slow response... let me show an example.
I would prefer: Layer 1 | SOLID,CROSS-SECTION
Instead of: Layer 1 | CROSS-SECTION,SOLID
Reason being, I might have 20 SOLID layers in a row but only 1 unique name included for each (I can search for either name and get different...
Is there a way to turn off the default setting that is to list Category Names, for the same layer, Alphabetically?
Seems completely unnecessary.
SMO (NX11)
mkcski - thanks again,
I agree with you completely about changing the origin of the Basic dimension so that it's coming from the Datum Simulator (axis of datum B), but I'm getting push-back. So am I safe in telling the shop there's a fundamental error with the current arrangement w.r.t. that...
mkcki - thank you,
From what I understand, Basic dimensions have to be derived from references datum features (aside from tertiary in the case of orientation), directly (one Basic) or indirectly (chain of Basics) and since datum feature B is the axis of the flange diameter, does it make sense...
How can I legitimize the drop-dimension shown in the attached?
From what I've read, Tangent plane is not used for this, I guess.
SMO (NX11)https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=b095a0ab-5804-4846-b0ad-efac45e79148&file=Surface_Radius_Datum_Feature.PNG
Thank you DidierPSICAD,
The Make Position Independent function is good to know about.
But in my case, I wanted to maintain Position Dependency w.r.t. some assembly layout, it's just that I didn't want every component in the Assy Nav to be carrying the control file within it (hence bottom-up)...
I'm joining a new team/project at work and we are working with a complex assembly, with many component levels, all of which are using the same Control file for interpart WAVE linking - in a bottom-up manner.
I'd like to change the bottom-up structure to a top-down structure where the control...
Can anyone explain what the differences are between Implicit and Explicit Override?
I know what Position Override is but one thing I'm just noticing is the Open Arrow vs. the Green arrow under the Position column in the Assembly Navigator.
If I only use Position Override on a single...
Hi a984928,
Thank you and, yes - sort of.
I'm in a top-down Wave linking situation but it should behave the same if you Add the sketch file/component directly in your assembly file and Waving linking from there.
However, the issue is using the Composite Curve Wave option on a single Sketch...