Valide points there Walt.
This is an R&D job so the coupling is under development never been tested before.
Its an synchronous coupling with a male and female shaft. Im primaraly concerend with the male shaft/rotor as the magnetic field reaches outwards butting quite stringent demands on...
Hi Mike,
I dont whant to add any extra weight to the rotor while balancing.
It might be that im overly concerned with the magneic forces but as I do not know all the pit falls I would like to talk to a vendor that has met these challanges before.
I’m working for a company that is developing a new pump with a magnetic coupling.
Magnetic couplings are novel to me and my company so I’m interested in finding industrial partners that know how to handle strong magnetic fields.
Are there firms in Europe that is specialized in balancing rotors...
Thank you nrp99,
If the tempratur was uniform over the thickness i would agree. In my problem the outside dia would constrain the inside dia so im not sure its the right solution in this case.
I have a motor incased in a pressure vessel.
Inside the casing the motor atmosphere is rated to 80°C. The outside atmosphere can be towards -2°C.
I assume that the outside temperature of the casing is higher than -2° but lower than 80°C so I would get a temperature gradient over the casing wall...