Hi Their
I discussed my colleague about the minimum water level for submersible pump when it equipped with water jacket;
My friend said when you use water jacket for the submersible pump you can reduce the required minimum water level so you can operate the pump at dry operation.
I replied that...
Thank you all,
I mean by Ground reservoir , Concrete reservoir constructed on ground so it is not elevated tank
The Tank is square tank 4000 m3 , 30*35*hight 4-5 m , with 2 inlets and 1 suction pipe ( outlet ) to pump station.
The inlet pipes are 200mm
Outlet pipe is 200 mm - header- as a...
Hello their
I'm working on a ground reservoir with a volume 4000m3 , In let pipe is 300mm ( 2 pipes ) , is there any design criteria regarding the sizing of the pipe size of the washout and the over flow pipe? or rule of thump?
We use Airlift pump , pipes with Air Compressor , to remove the settled sands in waste treatment plant at the head work (inlet) ,
How we can calculate the compressor capacity ? is the friction losses for the flow ( air + water + sand )considered as same ass the water flow friction losses?
Good Note
The pump was designed to deliver water to a certain tank and the head was around 30 m but later on and now during the Construction , some modifications had been done so the pump will deliver water to another reservoir which located near to the pumps so before selection...
OK , I'll use "pressure" only
WE have a Project , the pump is around 100 m3/hr and 30m head according to the design , later on some modifications happened to the project so the system changed , after the new calculation the head become 15 m only so the Contractor said the head of the pump is...
OK , I'll do that
But I mean by the "0" gauge pressure mot at the outlet of pump but at the outlet of the pipe at the end of the system ( the inlet of the received Tank)
In general I meant the increasing of the head of the pump will affect the performance of the pump
Thank You JJPellin for your appreciated reply
Let us talk about Centrifugal pumps , non positive displacement
Suppose a pump it's Head is 3 bar and Q1 , if the head is increased ( by closing valve for example) the head will increased and the flow will decreased , the pressure at the outlet...
Hallow Their,
It is known that the pump doesn't create pressure but flow against pressure.
The operation point of the pump will move along its performance curve according to the pressure ahead the pump ; static and frictions
Now , How the residual pressure is created? If we need 1 bar at the...