You are unlikely to find any data on Modulus (any) or Poisson's ratio outside of the manufacturers testing lab.
If you ask them nicely; they usually provide.
Nivoo boss
Seems you are down the ‘rabbit hole’ which is Eurocode and the German love of
meaningless subscripts.
I can offer no advice, other than take it one line at a time and keep asking your self
“but what does it mean…”. Repeat. Repeat.
I once spent three months on EN 1312- part 3. And...
My thanks to all who contributed to my request for help, with special thanks to ThomasH who confirmed (aided by AI) that such a direction system of R, S & T existed and it obeys the Cartesian RH rule.
I just could not envisage an alternative to Cartesian (or why);particularly as...
My thanks for kind replies.
NRP 99. I purchased a CD containing the programme in 2000: by 2002 the supplier had gone bust. They only communicated
in Spanish. It is a very good FEA, it always passes validation. There is no way to change orientation system. Geometry is in
I have used since 2000; an excellent FEA package called AutoFEA (by JL Analyzer). (It has earned much more than it cost).
When I draw a model, I use standard Cartesian – x, y & z.
When (after processing) I look for bending stress (between two nodes) I am offered ‘S’ and ‘T’...
What time scale for blistering?
How long tank in service?
Temperatures and concentrations..
As described ie PVC-U lined GRP/FRP external - a dual laminate tank.
Chlorine from brine and electrolysis is bubbled into sodium hydroxide to produce sodium hypochlorite.
PVC-U blisters are...
Sathya R
Not much information in your question.
For FRP (or GRP in Europe) implying a glass and resin structure
the design codes are BS4994 and ASME RTP-1.
As an alternative (not helpful) try EN13121.
What was the tank originally designed to?
Brackets can be designed by FEA based on data...
Greetings from England
Some thermoplastics have superb chemical resistance and are often first material choice for liquid chemical storage.
For an example, in UK, for well over 25 years, many hundreds of bulk ferric chloride storage tanks have been fabricated using a Polypropylene
liner with...
The 'paint' is not paint.It is a thixotropic coat comprising of laminating resin plus a viscosity
enhancing gell (aka pre gell).
Purpose is to seal the laminate from external environmental attack and improve visual appearance.
Backing rings of metal (suitably protected) are...
I have looked carefully at your photograph.
Under high magnification, a GRP(FRP) (probably polyester/glass)laminate can be seen below the very thick layer of flow-coat.
In a physical battle between GRP and steel - steel will always win - (much) stronger, harder, tougher...
Plastics tanks come in many forms. Appears you have selected a 27 m3, two piece roto moulded high density polyethylene (HDPE).
Plastics are good insulators (PE first practical use was superb electrical insulation (on early radar) 1941).
Air-gaps are also very good insulators.
I have checked the manual; and it says ceil (lower case)
and it does work in that format. MathCAD 200 does have ceil and floor
as built in functions.
I hope this time the file is attached.
Ed Clymer
Resinfab & Associates
My MathCAD 2000 (best ever version) came on a disc and with a 700 page printed manual.
It (the manual)says;
floor(x) Greatest integer <= x (x real)
ceil (x) same
It does work..
However, see attachment for use with units.
Pleased to be of help
Ed Clymer
Resinfab &...
There is a way (floor also): I shall look it up (have to find correct sheets) and I will advise.
Ed Clymer
Resinfab & Associates
Your reply regarding stress to gasket is zero, simply can not be true. There has to be a value otherwise leakage.
BS4994 suggests (and has always worked for me) at 2.32 MPa (N/mm2) For many years we have used EPDM gaskets because they tend to be softer than the thermoplastic face of
I have just checked and am quite astonished that the PDF was transmitted and available for all to see.
(I have rather low expectations of technology)
Hope you enjoy all the editing and deleting you will now have to do (I am glad to see back of (square root (A5) ) etc.
I have found the eleven pages. My understanding is this was a list of complaints,
errors, changes and mistooks on 2016 version of part 3.
It is a PDF document and I will attach.
(I have attached, what happens next is unknown - but I do hope it works.
Ed Clymer
Resinfab &...
The 'K' in 4994 is not the same as the 'K' in part 3. The whole methodology is different
but it is good to compare the two systems - just in case another (as yet unnoticed) error has
been found. I helped write 4994 (87) and are therefore biased. The EU wanted a new/different code
I think your diagrams are correct: Ls is slant length and you can find mean diameter.
Whilst BS4994 and EN 13121-3 are similar, the original set up of material properties are widely different
ie 4994 has a calculated K value (to derate laminate ultimate strength) and a minimum K value of...
Welcome to the wonderful world of bad specification writing, bad translating, bad editing, bad proof
reading, and diagrams that don't make sense.
I trust you know this is about fifth attempt to produce a working standard by CEN.
Looks like you have 2016 version.
Ls distance between...