Hi- thanks for the response.
If I do that, then the focal point of the workspace is right in the centre of the two screens, so whatever I'm working on has a big black border of screen surround dividing it down the centre. Plus they're different sizes, and I'd like to keep one half of my smaller...
I'm trying to keep my workspace clean, I've one small laptop screen for admin etc., and a bigger screen that I'm working on Catia with. So I've currently working by right-clicking the top of my specification tree, selecting "Open sub-tree" and moving that to the small window, then...
Thanks for the response, sorted a system that seems to work, I just need to be super careful about not selecting the absolute axis when basing sketches etc! Ended up coloring the absolute axis red, the "internal" axis- which links to the absolute & is constructed with its own origin point & axes...
Hi guys, I've just recently created some power copies & UDFs and currently when instantiating them into other parts I have to select each axis rather than just one whole axis system. I'm quite keen on just being able to click my axis system as I've seen on other parts, but not sure how. In the...
Hi all
I'm fairly new to EKL, and currently trying to do something I can't quite get my head around.
So, I have a design table ordered by size and a few other variables (think counterbore size etc.). I've managed to use a rule to search the table by size (line 1) and alter my design table...